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"Nikolai! Come down stairs please we have to speak," she yells. Its strange, Roya Willow sounds... scared.
"COMING MOM" Niko who has been studying for the past two hours says, she sets down her books and rushes down the stairs. "Whats wrong?" She asks as she plops down on the couch next to the older woman.
"So, I need to tell you something about your father..." 'my father???' She thinks 'shes never even mentioned him before' "what is it? Is he like, dead or something" she laughs, trying to make light of the awkward situation. "No no nothing like that, its just he happens to be a wizard" Roya hands Niko a rough looking envelope reading "Hogwarts" on the front. She eyes it skeptically, wondering if this is some kind of messed up joke. Pixies and wizards are enemies after all! How would it even make sense for her to be half of each. She looks at the older pixie, who's features were as nervous as before. "Are you serious?" Niko asks.
"Im really sorry I didn't tell you before, I didn't even know if you were gonna have wizard magick!"
"So you lie to me my whole life?!"
"Darling I knew it would upset you, it wasn't important until now"
"Am I even allowed to go to Hogwarts? How will i learn pixie magick?" The now frantic Niko asks.
"Niko calm down it'll be fine! We can work on pixie stuff during breaks, and it will be a better education than i can give you, and they wouldn't send you a letter if you weren't allowed to go"
"Everyone there will hate me though."
"Niko they don't have to know, being a pixie isn't anything to be a shamed of, but if it really bothers you you don't have to tell anyone"
"Of course, its none of their business anyways"
"Ok... can i have some time to think about it?"

A little bit of pixie dustTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang