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Niko awoke to the smell of pancakes flooding through her now open door, she opens her eyes slowly to adjust to the itchy burning sensation from last nights tears. Still hungry from not eating the night prior, she rushes down to the kitchen as fast as her awkward prepubescent body will allow her.
"Niko! Ael your awake, good morning." Her always energetic mother greets as soon as shes off the stairs. "Morning mum" she responds tiredly. "Are you feeling well?" Roya asks. "Better" the younger decides. "Good enough to go to diagon alley for school supplies?"  She snaps her head to her mothers face, her mother whos features are nonchalant as ever.
"Diagon alley? How do we even  get there? What if they find out we're pixies?" She asks frantically
"Woah woah woah, ael, calm down, ive been before I know how to get there, no one will find out" her mother soothes.
"Youve been there before?" She questions suspiciously. What could her mother possibly want in diagon alley of all places.
"How do you think I met your father, but thats a story for another time, lets eat"

~after breakfast~

"Are you ready dear?" Her mother shouts from the bottom of the stairs. "Yeah! One sec" the younger replies, and as said she was downstairs by her mother just a moment later. "Ok, im ready" she states nervously, wondering what the day has in store.
"Ok hold onto my arm!" She quickly did what the older says preparing for the nausea of apparition. And soon enough she felt as if her body had turned to jello, stretching in every way possible before they regain their footing in london, in front of a large building called 'gringotts bank' "are you alright dear?" Roya asks making sure her daughter was alright after the apparition, the younger nodded slowly as to not upset her stomach further.  "Ok! First off, we need wizard money."  The older states practically dragging niko in as the other is still processing her surroundings.

~nikolais pov~
As I feel my feet on solid ground I open my eyes to see a large crooked building reading 'gringotts bank' on the front. The street is busy likely due to school starting up soon. I can hear young wizards cooing over the newest, fastest broom. 'Idiots' I think, they have to have a simple broom to fly. "Are you alright dear?" my mothers voice interrupts my thoughts. I slowly nod, still being overwhelmed from apparating. She says something about wizard money and pulls on the arm thats still attached to hers and leads us into the bank. Its crowed with goblin, intelligent creatures, kind in my opinion, though they may show it in a strange way. "Ok nik sit here" she brings me over to some chairs near the entrance. I wonder aloud, "why cant I go with you?" Mum gives me the sternest look she can (its not very good, shes like an adult child what do you expect?) "itll be a cold trip down to the vault, I dont want you to get sick before school!" She lies.  Its an obvious lie, im wearing a sweater after all, but I dont argue. She takes my silence as a responds "ok ill be back soon, dont cause any trouble" and roll my eyes and nod, smiling all the while. She struts off (as she does, shes too confident as a pixie in a wizarding bank in my opinion) . My eyes roam around, looking from family to family. Nasty families that is, wizards. I fully expect to hate Hogwarts, why would I ever need to? Pixie magick is better anyways, I dont even need a bloody wand. A large man in my peripheral vision suddenly catches my attention. He has to be at least 7 feet tall! How much would he need to eat to sustain his plump middle? He must not share with the boy with him as he looks skin and bones! I wonder if thats his son? I would think the child of a man that size would be taller but who knows. He speaks with a goblin and then he and the boy are off, presumably going to their vault. Another family catches my eye, a herd of gingers come bustling through the door, all wearing old worn clothes. Two of whom look the same, 'twins' I guess. Those same two are running around who I believe to be their mother, who looks tired beyond belief. I also see two younger ones trailing behind, both probably around my age, give or take a few years. Perhaps ill see some of them at Hogwarts, ugh just saying the name fills me with dread. Im soon greeted by my mother who now has a small sack probably, which by the sounds of it, is filled with coins. "Ok ael-" I quickly cut her off, "MUM, WE ARE IN PUBLIC" I whisper shout. "Oh sorry darling, nobody's near anyways its ok." I huff, Im not scared of them or anything but they're untrustworthy! We head back out into the, somehow, more busy street. "Ok! First I say we aught to get your books!" I perk up at the sound of books, while I dislike wizards, books are my favorite things on earth, I wonder if they'll have any magical creatures books.

At the book store/back in 3rd person

The two pixies head to the book store. Inside they see shelves filled to the brim. The younger looks around excitedly (though she would never admit it). "Ok, we'll get the books you need and then you can pick two for yourself."  "Ok mum!" The girl then hurry's to get the required books. After shes done that she rushes over to the section labeled 'mythical creatures' she picked a book called 'trille; friend or foe?' Wondering what they wrote about her family. And another about invisible creatures. While she was distracted by books her mother had bought her cauldron, parchment, and quills. She grimaced, god she hates quills. "Ok, now all we need... is a wand! Unless you plan on playing quidditch that is?" Her mother eyes her teasingly. "Merlin no" she rolls her eyes along with the words. Roya giggles childishly while dragging her daughter once again. They arrive in front of ollivanders, opening the door they are greeted by a shaggy looking old man. "Nikolai willow!" The man exclaims. "How do you know my name?" Niko asks, suspicious of the owner. "Why I know everyone my dear. Now come along lets find you a want," he changes the topic. Nik eyes him warily, deciding to trust him for now. "Ok lets see... OH this should do, flexible oak with dragon heart string core!" He exclaims. He hands her the wand and tells her to give it a flick. She does, and chaos ensues. Papers fly from everywhere, she can hear something shattering in the background, her mother lets out a shrill yelp. "Oh well thats certainly not it." He says. Maybe, this! Here!" He passes a light colored wand, and as soon as she touched it she felt like she had been shocked, "ow! It shocked me!" The youngest exclaimed. "Oh no no no that will not do" the same thing ensues for another ten minutes before he brings a tan, shorter wand. "This one, is a firm 8 inch, willow, Phoenix feather core, try it out." She takes the wand in her hand and nervously gives it a flick, which makes the area around her erupt in little butterflies made of light. "Woahhh!" She exclaims trying to touch the butterflys but as she does they go away. "Yes yes yes that is the wand for you young lady."

~nikos pov~

After the whole wand ordeal my mother pays and leads us out of the shop, and slowly leads me to another shop with excitement. "Mum I thought we got the last thing?" I questions her stranger than normal behavior. "Well dont think your gonna go to Hogwarts without a pet!" She exclaims as if its the most obvious thing in the world. "Really?" I ask suprised, shes never allowed me a pet before. "Yup! Pick any you want! Im gonna get an owl as well so I can send you letters." She says. I hurry into the shop and go straight to the cats, and after much deliberation decided on a beautiful tortoise shell cat

 I hurry into the shop and go straight to the cats, and after much deliberation decided on a beautiful tortoise shell cat

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We got all of our things and headed back home.

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