AU explination

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So in this au traille pixies look the same as humans but with pointy ears (that they can hide if needed with pixie magick) only traille pixies are like that the other pixies in the series remain the same
so pixie magick is kind of random, its a type of wordless magick and only has to do with what your thinking, theres an extent to what you can do with it Ex of pixie magick: being able to grow plants, making small things float with pixie dust, they can talk to most animals, healing, being able to change their appearance like hair color, pointy ears, eye color, and other simple things like that, they arent able to hold it for long depending on their expertise. All of those things take quite a lot of practice
So pixies speak fae, which is what most mythical creatures in the world speak ex: fairys, goblins, nargles, mer people, house elves (its their original language) centuar, basilisk (they understand parsel tounge) ect.
Another important part of the story is that, when startled, pixies emit a little bit of pixie dust. Not enough to be noticed if you arent looking to closely

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