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Get over the murder Tara.

You have a new life now.

Florida awaits you.

You have to hurry, or you aren't going to make it Tara.

Pick up the speed and get packed and ready for this.

I snap out of my thoughts and look at the pile of bags covering my bed.

I think I have everything.

Ughh. Two hours and I board my flight.

Then there is another 4 and a half hours sitting on a flight.

Basically my whole day will be gone.

But that's okay, because this evening, I might get a call from Chris.

Then everything will be worth it.

I pick up my bags and carry them out to my car.

I rush back inside and get my handbag all packed.

I am ready to go physically, but am I ready mentally?

I know this is only for a week but I don't know if I am ready for this.

My phone then rings.

I pick it up and answer.

"Hi, who is it?"

"Um. Tara. It is Nick."

"Oh hey Nick. What's up?"

"Tara. I can't do this anymore. I need you so bad. I'm coming to Florida with you."

My heart drops and breaks as he says this.

"Nick. What made you make this decision?"

"I was thinking about you and I realized I was so wrong when I broke up with you the first time."

"Nick. No. You can't come to Florida. You have nowhere to stay and I am going

to be so busy when I am there."

"No I am coming. Tomorrow I will get on a plane and see you. I will go back in a few days."

At this moment, I realize I am not changing his mind.

"Okay, Nick I will see you tomorrow. Love you."

"I love you too Tara. Goodbye my darling."

I hang up and take a deep breath.

What the hell have I gotten myself into?


"Flight to Miami Florida board now at Terminal 12." The loud speaker says as I just finish giving my luggage to personnel.

I hurry in my heels and suddenly knock into someone in the mad rush.

"I'm so sorry!" I say as I try and walk off.

The person grabs my hand and I look back at them.

"Did you miss me?" he says.

I smile and hug him tightly.

"Oh Chris, I am so sorry about last night. I'm so sorry." I say.

He cups my face and pushes his lips against mine, tasting every bit of me.

"That's fine. I know you are in a bit of a pickle."

I laugh and he sighs, staring at me intently.

"Well. Um, I have to go. What are you doing here anyway?" I say a little suspicious.

"I was waiting to bump into you." he says.

I smile and kiss him again.

"You are so great! I will see you when I come back."

I walk off and smile at the mere happiness Chris has given to me.

Then I start to think about Nick, and the fact that he will have to annoy me once again.

Sometimes life isn't fair and this is definitely one of those times.

I rush onto my flight and sit down, finally at rest, in first class.

I pay for a whole 5 hours of The Fosters and settle in to my suite.

"Hi, how are you today?" My personal flight attendant says.

"Good, how are you?"

"Lovely. Can I get you any food or drink before we lift off today?"

I think for a moment.

"No thanks, I will get some later if you don't mind."

"Not a problem Miss, I hope you enjoy your flight."

I put the headphones in and watch my TV as we lift off.

By the time we reach Miami, there is a massive car crash in The Fosters which leaves someone dead, making me think of the murder.

And Chris's car crash which started our romance.

Stop thinking about it Tara. You won't even live there anymore in a few weeks.

But Chris, oh Chris. I wish he was much simpler.

I smile and grab my stuff, strutting out of the plane.

There are people waiting at the end of the elevator with posters.

I pass every single one of them and continue to the baggage area.

I quickly get my bags and scurry out of the airport, eager to catch a Taxi to my hotel.

As I exit the doors, there are many taxis waiting for occupants.

I run to the nearest one and knock on the door.

"Why hello there Miss." a gorgeous young man says.

He must be the driver.

"Hi. Are you free?" I ask.

"I sure am. Here, let me get your bags." He gets out of the cab and rushes to me.

He smiles at me and stares at me a little before picking my bags up and placing them in the boot.

He then opens the door for me and closes it behind me.

He falls into the drivers seat and sighs while looking at me.

"What is your name?" he asks softly with a smile.

"Tara, what is yours?"

"Cameron. Are you the one dating Chris Evans?"

"Yeah. Well, we aren't really-"

"Don't lie to me Miss Tara. You two are all over TMZ. Its like a Carapocalypse."

"Carapocalypse? What is that meant to mean?"

"Well, it's like an apocalypse but Chris and Tara style."

"So it is like a shipping name?"

"Exactly." he says with a smile.

We look at each other for moment, completely dazed.

"Anyway, where were you wanting to go?"

"Surfcomber hotel, please."

Only Strangers... (Chris Evans FanFic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt