Bye Bye Chris

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^^^^^^^^^ This is Nick ^^^^^^^^^


The breakfast was nice.

The walk was even nicer.

But what I had left when I came home was the one thing that ended all the niceness and turned into bitter disappointment.

I have work.

I have lunch with Nick and Dinner with Tom.

But the worst of it all, Chris is going home.

Chris changes back into his clothes he was in when I got him from the crash sight.

He looks at his phone and says,

"My car is getting dropped off here in 20 minutes."

"Okay." I reply bluntly.

20 minutes is all I have left with Chris.

Then he will be gone, and I don't know the next time I will see him.

And that scares me.

Spending three whole days with Chris has sure been full on.

But there is not one thing I would regret.

We got to know each other a lot better and I feel like I made a real connection to him.

I feel a tear run down my face before I burst into tears.

"Awh, baby. What's the matter?" Chris says as he runs his hand up and down my back.

"I don't want you to leave." I say in between sobs.

It takes me a little time to realize, but I am heart broken, extremely heart broken.

I fear not seeing Chris every morning when I wake up and falling asleep with him being the last thing I see.

"Tara. Don't worry, I will come back. I promise." he whispers as he plants a kiss on my forehead.

"Please keep that promise." I reply.

"I will."

I push myself up onto his lap and hug him tightly.

Just like the first night we were together.

We kiss and cuddle until the doorbell rings and Chris's car is here.

"Well, this is me." Chris says as he opens his arms in front of his car, as he gets ready to get in and leave.

"Goodbye Chris!" Mum and Dad call.

"Farewell Mum and Dad." he calls in return.

"Tara." he says.

I look at him and he smiles, gesturing me to come closer.

I walk slowly to him and stand in front of him, our bodies just a centimeter away from each other.

He holds both of my hands and looks at me.

"These last few days have been the best of my life. Thank you so much for this Tara. I truly will miss you for the time I won't see you." He says.

I smile and feel the tears threatening to come back.

"I will miss you too, just remember, you are always welcome at my house." I reply.

"And you feel free to visit any time, if you get lost, just call."

He smiles weakly and leans down to kiss me.

Our lips touch and I instantly know I am seriously going to miss these lips, these hands, that smile.

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