Understood the Assignment

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A couple of weeks pass us quickly, and Jade and I have slowly but surely fallen back into place. It's a Friday night, and on Friday nights, I used to be going out to have fun, but not recently.

I would have most likely went with her to open the bar, so I could sit and have a drink or two, but I've yet to master this work-life balance thing. Which is why when today rolls around, I'm like a grandma. I'm exhausted by like 8pm.

After dinner, we cuddle up on the couch and laugh and feed each other snacks while we watch movies. It's so much fun. Way more filling than going out clubbing, in my opinion. I love spending time with her, and doing little cutesy things like this with her.

Her laugh is loud, and full, and beautiful, and contagious, and I just want to listen to it all day. I end up laughing more at her than the actual movie.

Plus, she's an amazing cuddle buddy. She's behind me, spooning me like always, with her arms wrapped around me, and her face literally smooshed against mine. Cheek to cheek.

Her cheeks are warm, and mine are cold. Like always. Every so often she turns her head just the tiniest bit and lightly kisses mine to warm it up, before relaxing against it again.

She's so warm and has this sort of grip when she holds me that's tight, but not in a suffocating way. In a way that makes me feel safe and just as warm. It's very protective, and very loving.

It's such a good feeling, and I get so comfortable that after our second movie, I can't even keep my eyes open. She notices and gently pulls away from me and climbs off the couch.

I look up at her with tired sleepy eyes, suddenly freezing and missing her body heat. She smiles down at me and scoops me into her strong protective arms without a word.

I'm so tired I just lay my head on her shoulder as she effortlessly carries me off to bed, repeatedly kissing my forehead the whole way there.

I get all warm and fuzzy inside because I know you don't give forehead kisses to just anyone. They mean something. I mean something to her. Those kinds of kisses are reserved for special people.

People you love.

People you care about.

People you want to protect.

She needs to go open up the bar, and I know that, so I don't whine too much when she tucks me under the covers and sweetly kisses me goodnight.

I only whine a little bit, and that makes her sit on the edge of the bed, keeping me company and running her fingers through my hair until I fall back to sleep.

I wake up a few hours later to an empty bed and a presumably empty apartment, and I find myself wishing we worked the same hours, because I really miss her when she's not here.

I'm wearing her t-shirt, the one she had on earlier today, her favorite one. The soft fabric being so close to my body is giving me SOME comfort. It smells like her. It's reminding me of hugging her the many times she's worn it before and when she had it on earlier, but her t-shirt isn't enough. I want Her.

I can hear it raining outside, and judging by the rapping against the window, it's really coming down hard. It only makes me want her more.

I've always found something about the rain to be so sensual. I have this burning need to be in her arms, silently listening to the rhythm of it together. Her giggling softly in my ear at some random joke she's made, making my whole body tingle.

That thought bubble only lives for a second before popping, because I see a flash of light, and then a loud crackle of thunder shakes me. I enjoy the rain, just minus the storms that sometimes accompany it.

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