Andy* | Favourite Almost-Lawyer

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2533 words.

also there will most definitely be a part 2 🥵

Warnings: 18+, age gap, fingering, oral (female receiving), smut, cockwarming.


"Andy," you sung into the office, a tray of coffees in hand. He'd called you on a whim at midnight, and of course, you made it to the building by 12:30am. Law degrees, connections and recommendations don't earn themselves, after all.

You'd been interning for Andy for the past few months. He'd agreed to take you under his wing following your assistance in his son's case, impressed by your work ethic and composure in the courtroom. Oh, and your ass looked good in a tailored suit. But that was a story for another time.

In response to hearing his name, you watched through the glass-clad office as he approached the doors, holding them open for you.

"Working late, I see," you joked, holding up the coffees in triumph. Andy's face lit up a little at this, grateful for the caffeine hit— and the smoking hot company.

"You know it." He followed you inside, resuming his place at the desk. You set the coffees down in a clear space, avoiding the papers and files scattered everywhere.

"Jacob holding down the fort?" You smiled, shifting a box of manila files from the seat beside him and settling in it, eyes darting over the cluttered desk.

"Nah, he's at his mother's tonight," Andy hummed, a gentle smile taking over his lips. Reaching for his coffee, your eyes took the opportunity to rake over his body. Typical navy suit, although slightly disheveled from the hard days work. His tie had been discarded somewhere, top two buttons of his shirt popped open. Even had his belt buckle undone, resting slack around his hips— not that you were looking.

"How come you were awake so late?" His words sliced through your daydreaming, eyes now locked on you over the brim of his styrofoam cup.

Swallowing the cottony lump in your throat, you shrugged, grabbing at your own coffee. "Was trying to finish an assignment." Andy's lips parted, brows pulling into a frown. Before he could apologise, you cut in, "—it's fine. I needed a break."

Andy simply shot you an apologetic smile before shifting back to the problem at hand. After briefly running you through the case— and his dilemma, you both dove into work. Hot coffee brushing past your lips, scanning over a witness report.

He'd been picking holes in the various witness statements all afternoon and into the evening, scribbling down arguments and hassling his colleagues for another opinion. He'd usually bounce his ideas off of you, but the one day you decide to take off, his mind crumples.

The day off wasn't exactly a typical day off. Wasn't filled with relaxation and wasn't filled with errands. No, you'd spent the entire day at the University library. Since 6am that morning, glued to the legislation housed there, old books stacked on more old books. You were still there when Andy called, bundled up in sweatpants and a hoodie and figuring a break would be welcomed with open arms.

You'd barely scraped the surface of typing up the essay, having the bare bones of a skeletal outline. Rubbing at your temples, you frowned down at the papers, distant behind the eyes and zoned out. That fucking essay was due in 48 hours and here you were kissing ass. Recommendations and contacts are equally as important as grades. Right?

"Stressed?" Andy queried, his eyebrows pulled to a furrow as he peered over at you, concern written over his face.

Laughing quietly, you shrugged him off. Taking a deep breath through your nose and another sip of your coffee. "I'm always stressed."

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