Don't Execute Order 66

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Don't freak out, this is just a chapter about the clones reacting to Order 66 after they secretly took out their inhibitor chips. 6.6k read special :)


Palpatine: Execute Order 66

Cody: With all due respect, no

Wolffe: With all due respect, kriff you

Tup: I'm sorry, I'm driving through a tunnel, you're breaking up - hello? Palps? You there? *hangs up*

Waxer: New commlink, who dis?

Rex: As much as I'd love to, I'll pass

Boost: I'll see if I can pencil it in


It's actually based off a meme, but I typed it all because I didn't want to be considered lazy. *cuts to me typing 'lol, I'm lazy' while writing the oneshots*

*cough* ahaha, bye

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