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Yoongi POV

HY: "I won't let go because I still love you."

YG: "Bu- wait what...really?"

My heart throbbed, threatening to burst through my chest. I felt breathless. Did I hear that right? She still loves me? 

I tried talking to Ha-Young but this time, her sleep really had her knocked out for good. Her grip on my arm though didn't loosen. My eyelids were starting to get heavy as I struggled to keep them open. No, I can't fall asleep here, not in HER BED, no way without her proper consent. 30 minutes passed by as I pulled out my phone from my pocket. Squinting at the screen due to the brightness, I saw it was past 1:30 am. Knowing that now I had to spend my night here, I quietly removed my shoes and lay down on the bed, half my body hanging out of the bed to maintain as much distance as possible from the now deeply asleep Ha-Young and the sharp pain on my arm which was Ha-young holding on to me. I closed my eyes and tried blocking out all the thoughts of her that were racing through my mind but that's all I could think about. After what seemed like a million years, my weariness finally took over and I fell into a slumber.

Ha-Young POV

I woke up with a splitting headache. My eyes fluttered open and I saw Yoongi's sleeping face inches away from mine. I gasped loudly and Yoongi's eyes opened and he immediately jumped away from the bed and stood straight. That's when all my memories from yesterday came back, the drinking, the dancing, the TELLING YOONGI I LOVE HIM! God, why won't you kill me right about now? We both kept staring wide-eyed, unsure of what to do or say next. After a few more seconds of this extreme awkwardness, he quickly mumbled something and left with long strides. I stood there for a few seconds more but followed him out.

Yoongi POV

I heard a loud gasp and my eyes shot open as I saw a wide-eyed Ha-Young staring at me. I immediately jumped off the bed and looked at her with nervousness. I knew it, now she'll hate me for sleeping with her without her proper consent. How could you mess up this bad Yoongi! I quietly said, "I should get going...bye" and left as soon as I could. My mind filled with negative thoughts of what could happen with our relationship next. As I reached out my hand towards the door, Hyung's words echoed in my head. Wait for the right time and then tell her how you feel, she already told me she loves me, it's my turn now. I knew this was a do-or-die situation so I mustered up all my courage and turned around to see Ha-Young was standing just a few feet away from me. I exhaled deeply and looked at her eyes. I walked was frozen on my spot but did my best and walked close to her.

YG: "Ha-young? About what you said yesterday.. was it true? It's ok if it wasn't, you were drunk so you were probably joking. Sorry, I'll get going..."

HY: "Yoongi...all the things I said yesterday, it was true. I didn't mean to let it slip out, it just did and me being drunk didn't help."

YG: "Wait so you actually still like me?"

HY: "Y-yes-"

That was all I needed to hear. I leaned forward and placed my lips on hers. It had been so many years since I had kissed her but this action still made firecrackers of happiness burst inside me. It was like euphoria to finally feel her soft, plump lips after so long. I kissed her with all the love and passion in me. That kiss symbolized how much I had missed her and I was delighted when she kissed me back almost immediately with the same amount of passion. What felt like an hour was just a few seconds, the universe around us stopped. Nothing else mattered, only she, me, and us. 

She pulled away after a few minutes for oxygen. Even I was out of breath. I reached out for her hair, putting it behind her ear so I could see her face clearly. She put her hand around my neck as I held on to her waist, giving her my biggest smile.

HY: "I'm still weak for your gummy smile, it gets me every time"

YG: "That gummy smile is specially for you~"

HY: "Ahhhhh the cringeee, it's killing me"

We both laughed and continued holding on to each other but my stupid phone had to ruin it. It vibrated in my pocket a couple of times so I took it out. and saw it was hyung's texts-

HY: "You better go now, I'll meet you soon again

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HY: "You better go now, I'll meet you soon again."

YG: "I want to stay here... But if I don't go hyung will kill me."

HY: "It's okay, you spent the whole night with me."

YG: "Yes, lying down on the edge of the bed with the scent of tequila wafting through my nose and the blood circulation of my right arm being stopped was a fun experience..."

HY: "Yahh! It wasn't on purpose, I was drunk!!" She said with a blush.

YG: "Mhm, anyways, bye Jagi~"

I gave her a small peck on her cheek and quickly walked out watching her turn a bright shade of red. Today is off to a great start, let's just hope it remains just as good~

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