~Day over~

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Ha-Young POV

Time skip to 2 weeks later.

The past week has been AMAZING. Yoongi has only told Jin about us till now and he doesn't leave a single chance to fanboy. 

(Happy birthday to you~)

We both have our little moments every now and then when no one is looking. I don't think he was this love-struck even during our high school days. 

(Happy birthday to you~)

Anyway, today is Sung-Ho, one of the cameramen's birthday.

Everyone: "Happy birthday dear Sung-Ho, happy birthday to you. May God bless you, may God bless you, happy birthday dear Sung-ho, happy birthday to you!!" 

Sung-Ho: "Thank you so much, everyone, I really do appreciate it."

JM: "Hmmmm I still feel like something is missing. I wanna have fun today."

JK: "What about we take a day off today and....the amusement park later?"

TH: "YES! I was thinking just that!"

JH: "Okay, is everyone okay with 4 pm today?"

Everyone: "Yeah sure"

NJ: "Okay then 4 pm it is. Now come on Sung-Ho cut the cake quickly!"

Sung-Ho: "I don't even know what to say except thank you..."

JN: "No, we should be the ones saying thank you. Thank you for working so hard for us. Today let's return all of that."

(time skip to 11 am at BTS' house)

Yoongi POV

I was in my room going through my phone. Somehow I felt really uneasy, my stomach paining every now and then. Finally, after a few minutes, I got up to go grab some medicine but made an immediate detour to the washroom. 

As I held on to the cold ceramic, I hurled out all of my precious breakfast. After a few seconds, I got up to wash out the horrible taste of vomit from my mouth. My legs gave away under me so I slumped down to the cold bathroom floor and sat leaning against the wall. After gaining a bit of energy, I decided to go lay down for a bit so I stood up shakily and padded towards my bed.

JH: "Hey Hyung would you like some coff- what's wrong? You look so pale"

YG: "I think I'm sick... vomiting is definitely not pleasant"

JH: "Did you have any medicine yet?"

YG: "No, I didn't think I would make it."

JH: "Wait I'll get you some then"

Hobi returned with the medicine and water and I gulped it down. The medicine made me quite sleepy so I dozed off for a few hours. I woke up at about 3:15 and watched everyone choosing their outfits. I got up to get ready but Namjoon came out of nowhere and told me that I had to stay home and rest. I sadly nodded and told him to apologize to Sung-Ho from my side when he met him.

As 4 ticked nearer, my despair grew. I was feeling just fine and wanted to go with the others but still, I was ordered to stay home and rest. 

3:40. I sighed and sat down on the couch after the others left and switched on the television. I had not much to do for the next few hours at least. Browsing through Netflix, I finally found a show that interested me. Mickey Mouse. 

I was a few episodes in when I received a phone call.

YG: "Hello?"

HY: "Hi! Are you doing better now? Did you have any food yet?"

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