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For the first 2 chapters, every word is from a Yandere Dev Video, I only changed a few words for the story line better to be better

Chapter 1

Mattia's Childhood

Mattia's POV

My earliest Memories...

I remember




I was...


The doctor's where trying to fix me.

My parents tried to explain what was wrong with me. They tried to explain what made me different from other people. I didn't understand.

I heard the doctor's admit they couldn't fix me. They said I would never be a normal person, or live a normal life.

As I grew older, I came to understand what was wrong with me. I saw other children become Happy... sad... angry... But, I never felt these things... I only felt... Empty. Hollow. Incomplete.

My father desperately wanted to help me. But, my mother... she was nothing like my father.

She wasn't worried about me at all. She said that she was exactly like me when she was a child.

She told me that, one day, I would meet someone special. She told me that I would meet someone who would make me feel... complete.

My father did not want to listen to my mother's words. she wanted a normal child more than anything in the world.

He tried everything to make me happy. But nothing worked. I never felt happy. But I did feel... pity.

I felt pity for this sad man. I did not want my father to worry... and so, I began to act like the other children.

I pretended to be normal. My father was happy. We finally became a normal family...

But.. I think he knew... deep down in his heart... that I was only pretending.

At school, The other children mistreated me. They bullied me because I was strange to them.

It was... inconvenient.

I realized that if I wanted to be treated properly, I would have to act like the other. children.

I started to pretending to be normal... and the bullying stopped.

I learned everything was easier if I forced myself to act like a normal person.

Eventually, I was pretending to be normal almost every hour of every day.

I pretended to be friends with people... I pretended to have hobbies... I pretended to care when tragedy struck... But it was all fake. I felt nothing. The only thing I felt was emptiness.

As I grew older, I became resentful of my condition. I wanted to experience like like other people. I wanted to feel joy... I wanted to feel sorrow...

I tried anything that might cause me to feel something. Guilt, shame, regret... I wanted to feel something. Anything.

But, nothing worked. No matter what I did, no matter how extreme, I could not feel anything.

My mother's advice was always the same. One day, you will meet someone special. One day, someone will make you feel complete.

I thought about these words all the time. It was the only thing for me to look forward to. The only thing for me to live. Meeting The person who would save me... fix me... Complete me... and One day

I found him

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