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Mattia's pov

That bitch better not try anything with Kairi tonight I swear I will kill him

I heard my phone start ringing so I walked over to my bed where it was to see who it was

I seen that Alvaro was calling me so I answered and I heard him yelling like always

"Mattia hurry up" He yelled and I sighed "ok I'll be down in a few, I was supposed to go to your house and get you" I said

"Well I'm I-" he started saying and I cut him off "Let me put my shoes on and I'll be down" I said and I hung up

I walked over to my closet and grabbed a pair of my shoes and walked back over to my bed and put them on

I walked out of my room and closed the door behind me and went down the stairs to see Alvaro waiting at the door talking to my mom

"Alright by mom me and Alvaro will be back later tonight so leave the door open" I said and she smiled

"Alright but go around the back and it will be open I love you" She said and I smiled "I love you too" I said and we walked out the door and Alvaro ran over to my car and jumped in

I walked over to the driver's side and got In

"So I'm just gonna drive through the town and we can find out what to do" I said and smiled "Ok" He said

"Turn on the radio" He said and I sighed "why?" I said and he looked at me

"Why wouldn't you" He yelled at me so I turned into he radio and he started messing with the channels

Once he finally found one he gasped and smacked me

"Ow what the fuck" I said and looked at him "sorry I didn't mean to I was just trying to get your attention" He said and I sighed

"Where are we going?" I asked and he looked around "go over there where all the stores are" he said and I looked over

"The plaza?" I said and he nodded so I went into the parking lot and parked near the middle of it

"Ok what store first?" I asked and he looked over at Target and and smiled

"Let's go to Target and we can get stuff for tonight" he said and I nodded and we both got out and I locked the car door

We walked over into the building and got a shopping cart

we started walking towards the clothes and then Alvaro started yelling at me and making me turn

He pulled me down towards the food and he started just grabbing shit and throwing it in the cart

I looked over and just grabbed some chips but most of the shit was what Alvaro grabbed

After awhile we went to the check out and we made a deal on I pay for whatever he got here and we will pay for whatever we buy at the next store

After we paid we went outside and looked for another store to go to

"Let's go to game stop" I said and Alvaro nodded so we started walking over to it

"Hey isn't that Alejandro and Kairi?" I heard him say and I looked up "where?" I asked and looked around desperately trying to find them

"Over there bye game stop" he said so I looked that way and it was them

"Oh I forgot to tell you" Alvaro said and I looked at him

"I became friends with Alejandro and Kairi today" He said and I looked down at him "really?" I said and he nodded

"I bumped into Kairi and he gave me a dirty look, I don't really think he likes me but Alejandro was super sweet" Alvaro said and I got confused

Why would Kairi give him a dirty look? he is so sweet so Alvaro probably took something the wrong way like always

"So let's go talk to them" he said and I shook my head no

The thought of even being close to Kairi makes me completely nervous so imagine what it would do to be if I have to be close to him and talk to him

"To bad" he said and I tried to tell him to not to go over there but he start speed walking to them

"hey Alejandro" He yelled and Alejandro turned around and smiled

"Hey Alvaro" He yelled back and I started to walk and I was kinda far behind Alvaro but not to far

I finally made it to them and I was nervous as fuck

"Anyways Alejandro, Kairi this is Mattia" Alvaro said "and Mattia this is Alejandro and Kairi" he said again and Kairi started smiling all big and that made my heart melt

"Hi Mattia it's nice to meet you he said and he stuck his hand out for me to shake it

"I-It's nice t-to meet you too K-K-Kairi" I said and I messed up saying his name by stuttering and I got embarrassed but I still shook his hand

His hand was so small compared to mine

I noticed that his finger nail were painted a pastel blue color that matched the sweater he had on

"And it's nice to meet you too Alejandro" I said and he smiled

"Well we were just walking around and going to some random stores before we went to the fair tonight, do you guys wanna come with us?" Alvaro said and my heart dropped

"Oh sure yea we can all go together" Kairi said and I looked and the ground

Well let's see how this goes

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