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Mattia's pov

He is just so...



how can someone just be so perfect?

Kairi has no flaws about him

He is an angel

And there goes the fucking devil


I watch as I watch from behind the tree in the courtyard

Alejandro is walking away from his other fuck boy friends and started walking towards my Kairi

I need to get rid of that fucking bitch before it's to late

I look over behind them and I seen Alvaro standing there most likely waiting on me

I walk out from behind the tree and make my way over to Alvaro

Me and Kairi made eye contact but I looked away quickly and walked quicker

"Hey Varo" I semi yelled and he turned a light shade of pink

"Stop causing attention" he yelled at me "as if u yelling at me everyday isn't causing attention" I said and he turned his head and started pouting and I smiled

"I'm just kidding I don't mind the attention cause I just don't care about it" I said and I rubbed his head messing up his hair

"Hey can we hang out after school? I mean it is Friday so please" Alvaro said looking down at the ground and playing with his fingers

"Sure I guess but not right after school I need to go home first" I said and he smiled and nodded

I obviously can't hang out right after school, I have to make sure Kairi gets home safe first

"So do you know where we are gonna go or are we just gonna go wherever" I said and he looked up at me

" I was thinking it would be more fun if we just waited until it was actually time to hang out and on our way we can just find out where to go" he said and I nodded

Me and Alvaro have been best friends since kindergarten but honestly he talks to much

"Yea well-" he started saying but his head snapped in a different direction

"holy shit who is that?" he said and I looked the way he was looking

"Alejandro?" I asked and he looked back at me and then back at Alejandro

"What?" I said confused why is he looking at me like that

"Just trying to find out who is better looking you or him" He said and then he stoped and his face turned red and his eyes went wide

"I'm joking your not cute" he yelled at me "I mean well your good looking but I-I mean your not my t-type" He yelled

I always knew he had a crush on me and I feel bad because I don't want to hurt Alvaro but I will never like him back I only have feelings for Kairi

"You should talk to him" I said, This would be perfect if Alvaro and Alejandro got together because then Alejandro won't be trying to get with Kairi anymore because he would have Alvaro

"Oh yeah I forgot Kairi I made you more food" I heard Alejandro say and that made roll my eyes

"So Kairi the fair is just recently opened back up do you wanna go tonight?" I heard Alejandro asked

"Hey Alvaro I have a better idea how about we go to the fair tonight?" I said

"The fair?" He said and thought about it, he better not get the wrong idea

"Ok sure just text me what time" He said turning a little red


the bell rung finally after what felt like ages and I walked out into the crowded hallway and followed other students to our lockers

I went up to my locker and entered my combination and that's when I heard Alejandro and Kairi talking from his locker

"So what time are you picking me up for the fair?" I heard Kairi say and Alejandro hummed

"Well it gets dark around 7 so how about 6:30 I wanna be there when that lights are light up" Alejandro said

"Sound good" I heard so that's good now I already know when they are going

I turned around and my eyes were met with Lea

"Hey Mattia" she said and I smiled awkwardly, I don't talk to anybody else besides Alvaro so I'm not used to people just coming up to me and talking to me like that

"Hey" I said and that's when Alvaro stepped in "leave Lea he doesn't want your stinky ass near him" He said and scoffed "bro your pussy smells like rotisserie chicken, get away from him" he said and Lea rolled her eyes and walked away

That's another reason why I don't really talk to people, Alvaro gets jealous especially with the girls

"Just saved your life" Alvaro said and walked up to me "so do you know what time we are gonna go?" He asked and I nodded

"How about we leave at like 6:30?" I said and he started pouting "I wanna hang out with u longer than that" he said and I sighed

"Ok then after I get home and get ready we can hang out and around 6:30 we can go to the fair" I said and he nodded "ok well get home and get ready I want to hang out" Alvaro said and started pushing me out the school doors

I followed him and once we got to the entrance we said our goodbyes and I waited for Kairi and once I seen him leave I followed him home and made sure he was safe and then made my way home

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