entry 1

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                                                                              thursday, 21 october, 2021


do you ever wonder why strange thoughts always pop up in your mind? sometimes i think strange thoughts like:

what does the weeknd dream about

how to female celebrities deal with their periods

what would it be like if i was a celebrity

a different version of you exists in the minds of everyone you know

why my mom always 'stole' my money as a kid

how do i look with my hijab on

it's probably stupid to think all these things but as a twenty-one year old dumbo it actually makes sense.

the one about the versions of yourself is hella scary like even i don't know who i am. my mom probably thinks i am some lazy ass dirt monster while my dad pictures me as a twelve year old princess. 

but like let's look at the kind of person i am:

i get mad at my friends because i think they are mad at me

i want to dress like this {pictures bellow} but i am too lazy to do so

i want to dress like this {pictures bellow} but i am too lazy to do so

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{btw that's my girl nawal sari yeah we have the same name}

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{btw that's my girl nawal sari yeah we have the same name}

i desperately want to meet my favourite celebrities 

i want to be a writer but i just can't do it

i want to watch squid game but unfortunately i have watched many spoilers on my fyp on tiktok 

that's all the calling myself out i am going to do

so as most of you don't know i am palestinian and moroccan. my mom is from morocco {amazigh} and my dad is from palestine. i actually love being of dual heritage but sometimes it's a little bit scary. moroccans are always not considered as africans, i agree that amazighs are caucasian but you don't really have to be black to be from africa. and then about palestine oof where do i start {i really don't want to misinform you guys with my wack explanations but here goes} so basically israelis came to palestine looking for land and of course they gave it to them then the british wanted to create seperate states between the jewish and arabs but then the arabs refused and then the british left and then jewish leaders created israel and many palestinians refused and a war broke out. hundreds of palestinians were forced out of their homes and by the time the fighting ended israel controlled must of the territories. so it's basically just a i let you stay in my house and you completely took over and then you want to kick me out situation. 

well i don't know how this turned into a get to know me chapter but well now you know me.

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