entry 4 {part two}

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1st november, 2021.


since my brain is completely blank. i think i'll just write about what it's like to be 'writer'.

writing is kinda therapeutic for me because of my bipolar. because of this mental disorder i kinda loose touch of reality and like drown into another realm. 

because of these thoughts i thought writing would kinda be a perfect thing to do. 

but i don't really know how to express myself the way other writers do at least that's what i think. whenever i read other people's stories i feel intimidated in a way.

i have published three stories on wattpad since i joined five months ago but none of them felt...{i don't even know how to explain it}

sometimes i get highly motivated and sometimes it just drops {disadvantage of bipolar}

when i decided to write this book i just wanted people to know who i was and i actually feel happy writing this book because i haven't really expressed myself like this before.

well that's enough babbling so i'll stop here for today.

i hate short entries but that's all my sick brain could come up with. 

i don't even know if i will be able to updated daily but we'll see how it goes. {see what i did there *winks*}

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