entry 6

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friday, 5 november, 2021.

hey guys
so my life has been really boring lately. so i'll just tell you all my life experiences {warning these are embarrassing stories}.

so i had an 11am class but as the weirdo that i am i slept late after fajr prayer {i honestly do not know what I was doing}.

i thought i was smart so i joined the class, muted my mic and turned off my video and went right back to sleep.

but what i didn't know was that my mic wasn't muted at all {yeah sleepy nawal is a *insert whatever here*} and my entire class could hear me breathing and snoring {and i have been told by multiple people that i snore extremely loudly}

three people sent me like those zoom chats to mute my mic {but of course i was sleeping so i didn't receive them}and then my best friend kaya called me and was like 'bish mute your mic'

to say i was mortified was an understatement. most embarrassing moment of my life.

still friday

y'all who has watched the eternals {yes the marvel movie}. I am not a marvel fan at all and don't know how this movie contributes to the lives of iron man {he's dead right} and hulk but i'll still watch it even if I don't understand a thing.

to whoever is reading this, if you are a hardcore marvel fan please explain everything to me.

well on to my second embarrassing moment.

saturday, 6 november, 2021

y'all i was supposed to continue this entry yesterday but i didn't, i fell asleep. {forgive me}

so who listened to summer walker's new album {i didn't} I just read the lyrics.

and i cried.

well enough about sad things and on to embarrassing things.

y'all i'll just publish this now and then the second story in entry seven.

I Don't Even KnowOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant