The beginning

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Oh. You came back. I mean, welcome. I mean, I was sort of hoping you'd come back but I didn't expect it.

So you're really interested?

That's great! Um, hell, where to start...

The restaurant, yes. That's nice and in the beginning.


I huff as I run as quickly as I can in heels towards the restaurant. I enter and quickly walk over to the punch machine and pick up my card.

"You're late Goldie."My manager says as he walks past.

"I know Ahmed I'm sorry I missed the trolley."I say as I punch in and then pick up my apron.

"This is the second time this week Goldie, you get another one your out."he says.

"Yes sir, I know."I huff as I pick up a note pad and pen and stick them in my apron pocket.

"Get on the floor, table six needs their order taken."he says before walking away.

"Yes sir."I say as I walk towards the service doors.

I push out of them and walk towards table six.

"Hi there ladies my name is Goldie I'll be your server today. Do we know what we want to drink?"I ask, pulling my notepad out.

"Yes, um, send a bottle of your best wine for the table and my friend here will have some champagne."The woman says.

"Right away, can I get you lovely ladies any appetizers?"I smile.

"Oh yes we'll have the caviar."

I write down the order and smile at them.

"It'll be right out, I'll be back with your drinks and the caviar will be out soon after."I smile.

"What a charming young lady."of the women says as I walk off.

I huff as I go back to the order window.

"Xavier, were gonna need a caviar plate for table 6."I smile at him before walking into the kitchen.

"Anything for you my golden girl."he says, making me chuckle as I enter the kitchen.

I walk down the hall to the wine room and grab a bottle from the top shelf, knowing those were are best. I also get one of our pre iced champagne buckets and hold it under my arm.

I then walk back out to the kitchen and the to the floor, headed to table six.

"Still good over here ladies?"I ask as I sit the champagne down and then pull a cork screw out of my apron pocket.

"Of course dear, we were just talking about you."one if them says.

"About me?"I smile as I begin to uncork the whine bottle.

"Yes, your eyes, those are contacts aren't they?"one of them asks.

"No, actually I was born with them, you'd be surprised how many people ask about them."I chuckle as I pour wine into all the glasses.

"See, I told you Mildred."one of them says.

"I'll have your caviar out for you in a minute ladies, have you decided what you want to eat?"I ask, carefully sitting the wine back on the table.

"Yes, I'll have the sirloin, Mildred will be having the lobster, Kathy the salmon and Kim will take the kale Alfredo."she says.

I jot down the orders in my note pad and smile at them.

"Alright ladies, let me go get your caviar."

I walk back to the window where the caviar was waiting. It was a nice platter with crisps and a few types of meat along with the caviar.

And picks to pick the meat up with.

I balance the tray on my hand and walk back to the table.

"Here we are ladies."I smile as I sit the tray down in the center of the table.

"Oh goodness it looks beautiful. Thank you so much dearie."Mildred says as she picks up one of the skewers for the meat.

"Any time ladies. Let me refill this for you ma'am."I say, reaching over to pick up the champagne bottle.

As I swing the bottle towards me, I aggressively knock the skewers from Mildred's hand, and it shoots behind me.

"Ah!"I hear a man grunt and I jump, turning around.

"Oh my god!"I panic, stepping over to the man who now had a skewer sticking out of his neck.

"Oh my goodness sir I am so sorry! Are you alright?!"I ask, pulling my waitress napkin out of my apron and pressing it beneath the small wound.

"What in the hell is-"he cuts himself off as he looks at me.

"I'm so sorry sir, it was an honest mistake."I say, my voice shaking.

"No, it's fine."he says, gently taking my hands away.

The wooden pick falls from his wound and he covers the leaking wound with the napkin.

"Is-is there anything I can get you? And-and of course I'll pay for your medical expenses, but you'll have to wait a bit i-i don't make much money."I say, my hands shaking.

"It's fine. It's alright."he says, standing.

He towers over me and I immediately feel intimidated.

"How would you like it if you never had to work again love?"he says.

"E-excuse me?"I ask.

"Yeah. I'll give you 30,000 dollars to quit this job right now."he says.

"Sir-i-I don't know what to say i-i-"Suddenly Ahmed walks over to us.

"My word sir, your bleeding. Are you alright?!"he asks, looking at me.

The man looks at me as well before pulling out his checkbook and nodding to me.

My breathing hitches and I turn to Ahmed.

"Ahmed i-i quit."I say quietly.

"Excuse me?"Amed asks.

"I quit!"I say at him.

Ahmed scoffs before walking away.

"You can't quit, you're fired!"he says.

I begin to feel anxiety building up in my body. Then I feel a tap on my shoulder.

"Here. Come to this address tomorrow at 11. Buzz the penthouse."he hands me a card, along with a check.

He then walks away, exiting the restaurant.

A check for $30,000.

My breathing hitches as I read the name on the check.

"Stephen James"I mutter.

GoldieTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang