
149 6 4

TW//death, blood


"With that, let the game begin".

There was a loud beeping sound, and the clock started to tick down.

The strange looking doll up ahead turned around, facing the back wall.
"Green light" the voice spoke.

People started creeping forward. Some at the front were running, whilst others at the back took their time.

Given I was further back, I decided to go slowly. Honestly, I thought the game seemed pretty dumb. I hadn't played this game since I was a kid, and even then I was never really one to play these sorts of games.

I preferred playing video games or talking with my friends to pass time. Even nowadays after I had graduated, I would spend most of my days sat at my computer playing video games.

For some people, my life would seem pretty boring. I admit, it did get lonely at times, not having any friends in real life to hang out with. Some days, I felt as if my life was just the same day on repeat, playing over and over again, waiting for something to change.

It was almost as if there was a missing piece of my life, just waiting for me to take a step outside of my comfort zone.

Perhaps that's the reason I accepted the offer to take part in these games.

I continued forward, until the same voice was projected across the room again.

"Red light!" It said.

I froze in my place with my hands in my pockets as I watched everyone come to a halt, standing still.

Out of the corner of my eye I could see a group of three or so boys near the front, who all seemed around my own age. One wore a blue beanie, whilst the other two had light brown hair.

It was hard to make out any of their details without turning my head, so I turned my attention back to the doll at the far end of the hall.

It had been a few seconds of no one moving, and just as I thought the game was going to resume, I was startled by the sound of a loud bang.

Confused as the what the noise was, I scanned the crowd of people, trying my best not to move a muscle.

I noticed near the front there was a boy who had collapsed onto his knees, hand held over his chest.

He stayed there for a few seconds, before flopping onto the ground face first.

Talk about making a scene.

I saw the same three boys at the front, standing right next to where the man had dropped to the ground. I couldn't quite get a good view from where I was standing, but I could see the facial expressions of one of the boys.

He stood closest to the body on the ground, a look of panic and fear plastered across his face.

I could tell that others were just as confused as myself. Why wasn't the man getting up?

There was another loud bang, this time sounding a lot closer to me.

I looked to my left as I saw a person relatively close to me drop to the ground, just like the first did.

When the man didn't move I started to realise that something wasn't right.

A few more seconds past, and so I decided to figure out what was going on.

"Hey man, you should uh... get up" I whispered, careful not to move out of place.

With no response, I started to get worried. Just as I was about to move out of my place, I noticed a pool of red liquid starting to form around the mans head.

That was when it finally hit me.

"Number 48 and 129, Eliminated" the voice boomed across the hall.

"Green light" the doll said, turning back around to face the tree.

However this time no one moved. Some came closer to the two bodies on the ground, examining them from a distance.

It was only then did everyone else finally come to the realisation- losing the game meant losing your life.

At that moment, chaos broke loose across the hall.

People were running and screaming, banging on the doors back at the starting line.

I froze in my place, unsure of what to do. Do I run? What if I get shot? I noticed others also stood in place, contemplating their next move.

My heart was racing. As much as I hated my life, I didn't want to die. I didn't care about the money. My only focus at this point and time was to make it out of here alive.

I made the decision to turn back and run for the doors at the start line. Just as I turned and prepared myself to run back, I heard the very words that sent a shiver down my spine.

"Red light!"

As I turned around, I felt as if I had just walked straight into a brick wall. I realised there had been someone directly behind me. I felt two arms reach out for my shoulders holding me in place, steadying me from falling over.

Now facing this mans chest, I froze in place once again. I couldn't see his facial features as he seemed to be a lot taller than me, however I could feel his breath just above my head.

The man whispered into my ear, arms still wrapped tightly around me.

"Don't. Move." he whispered.

I stood trapped in this mans arms, as I heard more bangs from around the hall.

Even though I couldn't see anything given I was facing the mans chest, I sealed my eyes tightly shut.

Screams echoed from all directions, as the gunshots continued. I had lost count as to how many bangs I had heard.

After what seemed like forever, the gunshots had drowned out the last of the screams. The room fell dead silent.

Part of me didn't want to open my eyes. I wanted to stand right where I was, forever. I don't think I could bring myself to see the piles of bodies waiting for me once I opened my eyes.

The ladies voice sounded once again.

I zoned out as she continued to list what must have been nearly 100 different players, still shook with what was happening.

"These players have been eliminated"

Finally, I heard the sound of the dolls voice once more.

"Green light"

The man let go of me, letting me finally get a glance at him.

I looked up at the taller blonde man, first noticing his piercing green eyes. He was around a head taller than me. The man looked down at me before looking back up at the doll.

"You need to keep moving if you want to live" he said to me, focused on the game.

"Oh... I- thank you" I said under my breath.

I watched as he continued to creep further towards the finish line. The man stopped and turned back to me, noticing I was still stood in place.

"Well? Are you coming or not?" He whispered.

I looked around at the few remaining players in the game hall. Some had started to slowly step forward, whilst others still stood in place, trembling with fear.

I looked back at the man who was waiting for my response. Come on George, pull yourself together, I thought to myself.

In that moment I made the choice I normally would have been too afraid to make. I locked eyes with the man in front of me, and started to follow him.

I was going to survive this, no matter what it was going to take.


The first game has started! What do you think about George and 'mysterious man' *cough cough😏* I wonder who that could be...
anyways thank you for the reads! I'll try and update this every day, or at the very least every other day.

don't forget to vote <3

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