
42 5 5

TW// swearing


Tension circulated the room as everyone broke off into their small groups. What was once a buzzing room filled with chatter, was now dead silent. You could hear every tiny movement from every corner of the room.

I leaned my head up against the white wall behind me as Tubbo, Ranboo and Tommy sat down as well, creating a small circle for the four of us. We sat in a comfortable silence, processing the events that had just occurred.

I was glad that we had our little group. In the small time I had known Tubbo and Ranboo, it had felt as though we had known each other for years. As for Tommy, I was glad that we had reconnected. Losing contact with him in the outside world had planted a sense of guilt, deep within me that I was never able to shake. Tommy was the closest thing I had to a brother, and I hated myself for pushing him away. I knew that when we got out of here, that was not a mistake I was ever going to make again. 

"So... three games left" Tubbo spoke. His hands nervously fidgeted in his lap.

"I can't wait till this is over" Tommy mumbled, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Hey Tommy! When we get out of here you should come to my new house!" Tubbo replied, like a sudden spark had been lit within him. "And you guys should come too! I can show you guys around, we can go down to the beach and hang, and then we can watch movies!" Tubbo added, staring off into the distance as he spoke. 

"Well that depends if you have a good taste in movies. If its anything like Tommy's ill have to pass" I chuckled, joking around with him. 

"AY, fuck off man. Last time you watched a movie with me I was like, eight years old" Tommy exclaimed, getting defensive. Although when I turned to look over at him, he had the same smile plastered on his face. 

Something I noticed about Tommy is that even though he had aged a lot, his smile was the same. When I looked at him, I still saw the same boy I knew all those years ago. 

And just like that, the guilt returned. Tommy had tried multiple times to reach out to me, yet when I left I cut off all contact with him. Work had become so time consuming, and after the fall out with my family I tried my best to block out everyone and everything that reminded me of them. I thought that if I ignored them, the pain would go away eventually. 

I was wrong. 

However I hated dwelling on the past. Tommy seemed to have moved on, and I was happy for him. 

I stood up from my spot, dusting off my jacket. 

"I think I'm gonna go lay down for a bit. My head hurts" I said, faking a smile before walking off. 

Once I reached my bed I sat down, letting out a deep sigh. My mind wandered, and I seemed to lose track of time. 

I was snapped back to reality when I felt the bed sink next to me. Turning my head, I saw Tommy sitting next to me, looking over at me. He stared at me for a few seconds, not saying anything.

"What?" I laughed.

"What?" He replied, smiling.

"What do you mean what?" I said.

"What do you mean what? You 'whatted' me first" He continued to argue.

"Well I only 'whatted' you because you came over here. So what?" I laughed.

"You're making my head hurt" Tommy joked, making himself more comfortable on my bed. "Don't give me that look Will, tell me what's up". He added. 

"What?" I questioned. 

"Oh fuck off, don't start this again" Tommy chuckled. 

"Okay fine. I'm just thinking." I said, turning and staring into the distance.

"Thinking about what?" Tommy asked.

"If you say what one more time I might just stop talking to you" I laughed.

"Oh fuck off" Tommy joked, however his serious expression returned. "Seriously though, talk to me".

There was a brief silence, before I crossed my legs, turning to face him.

"You know I'm sorry for losing contact with you all those years ago." I spoke.

"You're still thinking about that? Will, I've told you, I forgive you. It's fine." he replied.

"Yeah, but I still think about it. You know of all the people I stopped talking to, I probably missed you the most" I added.

We sat in silence for a few seconds, neither one of us saying anything. I looked over at Tommy, who seemed to be lost in his own thoughts. He looked almost sad, which was something I hadn't seen him express very often.

However when he caught me looking at him, he quickly masked his expression with a smile.

"Oh come on Will, don't be getting all sappy on my now" he awkwardly laughed, scrunching up his face.

He stood up from the end of my bed, readjusting his jacket.

"I think I'm gonna go back to Ranboo and Tubs." He continued. Just as he was about to walk away, he froze, turning back towards me. 

"But Will-" he stopped, not sure what to say. "For what its worth, I'm glad you're back in my life. I missed you too." he mumbled, giving me a soft smile. 

This wasn't the loud, funny Tommy that everyone was used to. This was a different side of him, one that I had barely ever seen.

"Now if you ever decide to leave me again I'm gonna have to hunt you down, because you're fuckin stuck with me now" He laughed, brightening the mood. 

"Alright" I whispered as he turned back around and left, returning to where Ranboo and Tubbo sat. 

I sighed, resting my head against the frame of the bunk bed. A smile crept on my face, and for the first time in the past few days it felt genuine. 

Now all I had to focus on was making it out of here alive. 




anyways were getting closer to the marble game ahhh! 
I've got the next few chapters planned out and ready to go, and let me tell you be prepared to sob. 

Anyways I hope you're all doing well, let me know what you think so far!

Hope you're enjoying the story,

Dont forget to vote<3

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