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I squinted my eyes as the bright white lights flicked on, waking me up.

To my left, I noticed Dream already awake, sitting upright in his bed. He was staring off into the distance, with his hands gripping his hair as he muttered words to himself.

"Dream?" I asked, confused.

His eyes flicked towards me and instantly changed. His expression softened as he let go of his hair.

"Oh, morning" he muttered.

"Are you okay? How long have you been awake?" I asked.

"I didn't sleep, my head was just-" he paused, glancing back over at me. "Never mind, it's nothing. Let get down" he said, starting to climb down from his own bed.

Part of me wanted to question him further, but it was clear he didn't want to say anything else. I climbed off of my own bed and walked over to him.

"You're a deep sleeper, you know? You were knocked out the second the lights turned off" Dream chuckled, smirking at me.

"What can I say? I like my sleep" I replied, giving him a small smile.

Dream chuckled at my response, shoving his hands in his pockets.

"Players, the third game will commence soon. Please collect your breakfast from the from of the room and be ready in 15 minutes" the voice spoke over the loudspeaker.

Dream and I turned our attention to the stage at the front of the room, where we noticed three guards standing with buckets of food. I was surprised we hadn't noticed them come in earlier.

"Thank god, I'm starving" I replied, clutching my stomach.

Dream and I walked to the front of the room where a line was starting to form, and collected our food.

The next 15 minutes seemed to go by in a blur. I was sitting by one of the beds with Dream as the two of us anxiously waited for the next game to begin.

Then again, I couldn't really tell what dream was feeling. One thing I had noticed was that he was really good at masking his emotions. If he was nervous, you would never have been able to tell.

Finally, the voice sounded once more.

"Players, please follow the guards to the game hall for the third game" it spoke in a monotone voice.

I looked over at Dream who was already getting to his feet, readjusting his green jacket.

"Let go" he whispered over to me.

I stood up, following him as we were lead out of the main hall.

After what seemed like endless flights of staircases, we had reached a large empty white room. The remaining players walked around in confusion, observing their surroundings.

"What's this?" I thought aloud.

Dream walked next to me, studying the bare walls that surrounded us.

"I have no clue" he whispered in response.

The doors behind us sealed shut, making me jump slightly.

"For this game you will play in teams. All players, please divide yourselves into teams of ten people. Your time limit will be 10 minutes."

I looked over at Dream who seemed to already be staring directly at me.

"Who are we going to get?" I asked him.

He looked around, scanning the crowd.

"Depends on the game. We should get a mix of people- strong and smart, just to be safe" he replied.

DREAM SMP x SQUID GAMEWhere stories live. Discover now