Chapter 9

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Amy's pov: I woke up in Brantley's arms. We must've just fell asleep on the couch together. And for some reason, it almost felt right in the back of my mind. I rested my eyes closed again and moved a little closer to Brantley's warm, chest in the cold house.
I was finally falling back asleep when Brantley started moving around a little. He sat up so my legs we across his lap. I heard the puppies whining and clawing and trying to jump on the couch. "Yall shut up, it's to early for this" he said softly with a little laugh. He picked me up and carried me through the house not realizing I was even awake.

It wasn't even daylight yet. He laid me down in a cool bed and started walking away. But I kinda wanted him to stay with me though. What am I saying, he's just my friend. He probably wouldn't want me anyways, were almost 7 years apart. I fell asleep once more. I woke up as soon as daylight broke and I got up and crept my way out the silent house. I hauled as home before my mom realized I was gone all night.

I made it up to my room with out my mom knowing. I went back to sleep again. I woke up to a text from Amber. "Never fucking talk to me again. I'm done w/ you" it said "what did I do?" "Just control your crazy boyfriend before we press charges" "he's not my boyfriend, I didn't know he would do that to Henley" "yeah whatever. Fuck off whore" I started crying. I've been friends with Amber for the longest. She's really the only friend that took my side when he brother did all that. But I guess when it comes to family, things change.

I just want to leave and go to Athens now. And start over. I might just leave today. I started thinking about it more and more. I finally decided that I would. I already have my room almost completely packed for the next week. I shoved my stuff into my car and left.
I got to the dorm buildings in Athens at 3. I sat in my car for a minute. I felt like this is a chance to change myself. To stand up more for myself and be the person I want to be.

I walked to the desk. "Name?" The lady asked. "Harmony Rae Westley" "216, your roommate has already moved in" she gave a key. I grabbed my purse and my laptop case and walked up two flights of stairs to find the 200s. I walked to the door that said 216 and unlocked it.

"Hello?" I said walking know the living space and kitchen area. "Hello!" A tall blonde said walking around the corner. "Hey I'm Harmony" I said reaching my hand out. "I'm McKenna" she took my hand. "Nice to meet you" "you too"

McKenna's pov: Harmony looked like a really nice girl. "I'm gonna go ahead and get my stuff before it gets to late, where is my room at?" She asked. "That door right there to the right" "okay thanks" "do you need help?" "If you don't mind thanks" She seemed really shy.

I followed her down the steps to her car. "Nice car" I said, "I think every girl can dream of an Audi like that" "it was my 18th birthday gift" "she pulled a box out the car. "If you take this box I can take the suit case" I said. "Okay I'll get the other one after and I'm all good" we started walking up the stairs chatting a little. "I'm from Savannah, Georgia, where are you from?" "I'm from Nashville, Tennessee" "I love Nashville! I've been there several times to visit my friend who moved there a few summers ago" "it's is an amazing place, the musical influences are outstanding" "tell me about it"

We got to the door and I dug into my pocket and unlocked the door. As soon as I started walking in I heard "looks like Kenna got a newb this year" "shut up Austin!" I said to him. Harmony just looked down. "Aw she's scared" I rolled my eyes at Austin and Harmony pushed through the door. "Don't do shit like that Austin, she just got here" I shoved him and pulled the suit case inside. Amy had already been in her room pulling stuff out the box. And setting it on the bare bed. "You okay?" I asked. "Everything would just be okay if I were left alone for a minute." "I'll tell Austin not to bother you anymore"

I closed her room. I really wonder if she's okay. I grabbed a water from the fridge and turned on the TV. A few minutes later she came out her room and went back out the door and came back with the rest of her stuff. She looked pissed off. I shut the TV off and went and knocked on her door. "Yeah?" "Can I ask you something?" "Yeah come in" I opens the door she was putting stuff up into the dresser and the be was made.

"Why did you get mad when Austin came up to us in the hall?" I asked. "I wasn't mad, but it's a personal topic. Long story short, a lot of stuff has happened in the last month and I still am not over everything yet" I watched as she pulled a crinkled up paper out the box and put it in the corner of her mirror.

I went back and turned the TV onto the some gossip show. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. "Next up for this after noon, we have been seeing some drama on social media between upcoming artist Brantley Gilbert and 18 year old Harmony Westley from Nashville" the guy said. "HARMONY COME HERE" I yelled and she ran in. "What's wrong?" "Your on TV"

"Social media wars between several individuals from Nashville have been bringing drama about Brantley and the girl dating and actually expecting a child! Will be back in a minute with the story" The announcer said.

"what the fuck!!!!" Harmony yelled at the TV, "none of that shit is true!!" She laid down in the middle of the carpet and pulled her hoodie around her legs in a ball. "IM DONE!!! IM FINISH!! I GIVE UP!" She said. It came back on. "We've been told by a close friend of Brantley's that he has been with Harmony for a month and now the girl is pregnant! We've been given pictures of the two at a party together and also going into Nashville's ER at a local hospital. Would this hospital visit have something so do with the girls pregnancy? We are not sure yet but we will have details soon" a picture popped up on the screen.

Harmony's pov: I watched the show not believing what I was watching, I know Henley did this. Brantley called me. "CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS?!?" I shouted into the phone. "I know I'm so fucking pissed right now, I know Henley did this. Who else could it have been?" "It could have been Amber!! She fucking hates me now because of this whole fight with you and Henley!! Oh my fucking god" "calm down. As long as you deny all the information, it'll boil down and the real truth will come out"

"Explain this too me!" McKenna said. "Brantley is just my friend, we aren't together nor have we had a sexual relationship, I'm not pregnant and that whole thing is a lie" I said swiftly." "Wow" "yeah, I'm gonna call the producers now and cuss somebody out" "it was from People Magazine"

I found the number on my computer and called it. "People Magazine. how can I help you" "Yeah this is Harmony Westley, I just saw an untrue headline about Brantley Gilbert and myself on TV" "can I ask you a question?" "Yes" "have you spent time with Brantley?" "yes" "was that you in the picture at the party" "yes, but I deny all other information you got from Henley!" "why was Brantley seen carrying you into a hospital?" "It's none of your business!" "Come on! We just want to know a little into y'all's relationship and about the baby" "I'm not pregnant, I do not have a relationship with Brantley Gilbert! Screw off"' I said and hung up.

"Well no help there" I said. "People can be so heartless" McKenna said. "there trying to make money and don't care if it's affecting somebody else's life" I got up and went to finish unpacking my stuff. I already did my clothes. I pulled everything out the box I had of my decorations and stuff. This dorm was actually alright,, better than what I was told it would be like. There was a few shelves already here. We actually had a bed and dresser moved in here. I kinda decoration like how my room back home used to be before we took it all down.

I grabbed my keys "I'm going to get an early dinner, do you want to come?" I asked. "Yeah I could go for that"

{Sorry for the language in this chapter}

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