Chapter 30

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Brantley's pov: I don't like that damn doctor. He doesn't seem right. A young gun is all. I don't want Harmony taking that medicine. I've never heard of it and I don't feel safe with it. But she does, so I'm trusting her. Its her judgement.

Harmony's pov: This is my least week on tour before I start working at the school. I have to take only 2 more classes on this Friday. I took my medicine and laid down with Brantley. He pulled me close and we fell asleep.

I woke up feeling worse than before. "Brantley!" I sound loudly. He walked in from the front. "what's wrong?" he said sitting next to me. "I, I don't feel right. I can't. I need my medicine." I wanted to cry, it hurt so bad. "you're not taking that shit no more. It making you worse." He said. "no it's not" "yes it is, I'm by your side everyday. I know you, Harmony, and this ain't you." I grabbed his arm and squeezed it. "please get me something then" He got up. "I'll be right back"

I laid there twisting around trying to get comfortable. He came back in and picked me up. He carried me outside and put my in the backseat of a car. I laid down flat and he started driving. He parked about 10 minutes later. He carried me into what was definitely an ER. Brantley filled out a paper and they took me back immediately, seeing how much pain I was in.

Brantley's pov: The doctor pulled me outside and started asking me questions. "Do you have an idea of where this is coming from?" he asked. "To be quiet honest, her doctor in Athens, GA gave her these pills to take and I don't know what they are. I know that it has something to do with these" I said taking the pill bottle out my pocket and handing them to him. "She's taking these?! and she's pregnant?" He panicked. "Is she gonna be okay?" I got extremely nervous. "this pill is like a poison to an unborn child. When was the last time she took this? And for how long?" "holy.. last night, maybe 2 weeks."

He started calling orders out. "Step aside sir, we're going to do everything we can to make sure the baby is okay." a nurse said. I stepped back watching them put IVs in Harmony's arms, before taking her off somewhere. I stood there for a moment. I turned around and sat in a chair. I took in the situation. The word poison stuck in my head. Poison.

I waiting. I tapped and occupied myself from the thought of anything happening to my baby or my fiancée. But it was stuck there. 10am rolled around and finally, the doctor came back and Harmony was breathing heavy facing the opposite of me on her side. I sat next to harmony on the hospital bed and rubbed her back. The doctor looked at my straight. "I'm sorry, it was too late." he said very apologetically. Harmony whimpered.  The doctor left the room.

I walked to the other side of the bed and pulled her into my lap. "How ya feeling baby girl?" I said. She nodded her head letting me know she felt better. I set next her her and held for for the next couple hours. Around 3 I when my manager called me. "Brantley where ya at dude?" "I had to take Harmony to the hospital this morning." "are you gonna make it to the show tonight?" "I should be able to" I went and found the doctor. "hey sir, I'm what time can Harmony be released?" I asked. He thought about it. "I could release her tonight but that'll put her needing to stay off her feet for at least a week." He said. I thought about that job back home. "My tour leaves town tonight at 11 tonight, does that work?" "yeah that works."

I woke up Harmony and told her I was going to do my show and we would be right back to get her. I drove back to the stadium, stopping once to get the prescription the doctor gave Harmony,  and changed into a black long sleeve and jeans. I played my show and the crew got everything packed up. We stopped by the hospital and got Harmony.

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