♡ Chapter 1 ♡

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"Heyy!", Rosé's phone chimed, she picked it up wondering who it was, and a smile appeared on her face as she saw the person's name. It was Mark Tuan, Rosé's classmate who only recently joined their college a year ago. 

The past year, they didn't talk much but this year, they became closer than ever. Rosé and Mark took on similar subjects this year which made them get to know each other more. As they got to know more about each other, Rosé was always intimidated by Mark. She was unsure of the feeling she had whenever he was around her, she sometimes thought it was a crush, but no- she knew it wasn't. In fact, she didn't want to have a crush on another person yet, not after what her ex-crush did to her. At the end of the day, she thought it might be just an attraction because he's handsome

"Hi!" she responded 


"Nothing much, U?

"Talking with u lol"


As she was chatting with Mark, she got a call from Jennie

"Yo, what's up?" Jennie said, ecstatically 

"Just watching stuff on my phone, why?"

"I'm going shopping, wanna come with me?"

"Hmmm, Ok. I'm coming cuz I know you have no one else to go with"

"Awww! What would I've done without you Rosie"

"Meet you there?", Rosé said while chuckling

"Yep, thanks babe"


Rosé got up from the couch and dressed up in a black hoodie and light blue jeans which were one of her favorite outfits. As she stepped outside, the chilled breeze gently kissed her face. The feeling was so pleasant. She and Jennie always shop at the mall near Rosé's house, the mall was enormous and had almost everything  - from jewelry to shoes. So, they never needed to visit any other shop for clothing.

 Rosé and Jennie have been besties ever since pre-school, they did everything together ever since they were kids and went through the ups and downs of life together. Whenever Rosé needed a shoulder to cry on, Jennie was always there. Jennie is the most precious person to Rosé in this world and she knows she'll always be there for her. So will Rosé.

Rosé reached the mall and spotted Jennie waiting for her on one of the benches, staring into her phone. Slowly, Rosé tip-toed to her, to scare her, but Jennie immediately looked up and stared at Rosé. She giggled knowing Rosé's plan and said "Rosie, you know you're very bad at scaring other people. Besides, I wasn't that immersed in my phone", she smiled at Rosé's cute pout face. Immediately, she grabbed Rosé by hand and pulled her into various stores.

After a while, Jennie was almost done with her shopping. With Jennie, Rosé also bought a few things. They were shopping as school reopens tomorrow after their spring break. Rosé was excited but nervous at the same time too. 

"Rosie, is there anything  else we need for tomorrow?"

"I'm pretty sure that's it. But let's please eat something, I'm starving!"

"Honey, you're always hungry," Jennie said nodding her head left to right.

"Ugh! I know. Can't help it" Rosé groaned, but she loved eating anyways.

Rosé pulled Jennie into a café inside the mall. Rosé ordered a pastry and a drink while Jennie ordered biscuits and coffee.

As they were waiting for their orders to come, Jennie questioned Rosé -

"You still like him?"


"Good, it's better to get over him"

"Do you think I'll ever completely not like him?"

"Why? You still 'kinda' like him?"

"No. Not like that."

"Look, Rosie, it's hard to get fully over someone once you like them for a long time. If he rejected you knowing you liked him for that long, it's better to let him go." Jennie noticed Rosé's sullen face and added "It's his loss he let you go! he doesn't know what kind of a gem he lost. He lost a person who would've loved him all his life with all her heart!" 

"Bestie, that's a little too much, don't you think?" Rosé laughed.

Jennie burst out of laughter and was happy that she finally made Rosé laugh. 

"You know, there are a lot of cute boys in our class. I'm thinking of dating anyone this year" said Jennie smirking.

"Ooo, go get 'em" cheered Rosé.

"Yep, and you'll do it with me" Jennie winked. "You interested in anyone?"

"No. Not really"

"What about that guy you talk with often, at school, what was his name again- ah! Mark"

"Oh him? Ya he's cute but I don't think I'm interested in him"

"Gurl, I know when you like someone, I've known you for a century. You're slightly attracted to him, right?" 

"He's cute but nah. I don't think he likes me"

"I should also add that I'm an expert at knowing if someone has a crush on someone or not. And I think he likes you too"

"Ha, if you say so..."  

Right then, the waiter brought them their food to the table, Rosé happily gasped and Jennie grinned at her cuteness.


Feel free to leave a comment, will motivate me to write more! Also, this is my first book so don't mind leaving any remarks to help me improve my writing. Love you guysss~


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