CHAPTER XII: The One and Only Bullet

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<<Back with Natsu>>

    The pinkette was still fighting Jose. At some point, he dodged one of the cursed captain's deadly sword thrusts. He then grabbed his arm and tossed him against a wall. "Did that hurt?" Natsu mockingly asked as he ran towards the middle zone of the cave.

    Jose followed him and they both continued their duel. But then, Natsu punched Jose again and this last one ended up laying on a rock covered in moonlight. "So what now, Natsu Dragneel?" Jose asked. "Are we to be 2 immortals locked in an epic battle until judgement day and the trumpets' sound? Hmm?"

    "Or you could give up"

    Jose stood up fast and resumed the fight. Then, he landed a punch on Natsu's face. The pinkette backed up a bit because of this, but Jose followed him while yelling in anger.

In the meantime, Lucy was still desperately looking for the golden coin all around the cave. She had to find it one way or the other, or the battle against Jose and his crew was never going to end.

    "I got it! Lucy!" Happy suddenly yelled. He had finally found it somewhere near the water and immediately rushed to give it to the blondie without losing a second.

<<Meanwhile Gray and Juvia>>

    Both the raven-haired boy and the bluenette were fighting another trio of pirates. Then, they both dropped their swords and grabbed a really big plank instead.

"Juvia!" Gray said.

"Yeah!" Juvia replied.

Together, they used the plank to beat up the pirates one by one. Then, they pierced all 3 of them at once with the plank. The enemies groaned in pain. In addition, they were now trapped with their bodies stuck as Gray and Juvia stood proudly while making a high-five.

But even more pirates appeared after that. And so, they were forced to run. Erza appeared at that moment. She was carrying a small bomb in her hand, which she then tossed towards the enemies. "Oh, you gotta be kidding me!" one of the pirates said as they all blew up.

<<Back with Natsu>>

    Even now, the pinkette was still fighting against captain Jose. Both of them weren't giving the slightest hint of giving up at all. In fact their fight was meant to last forever since they were both immortal. But Natsu then noticed that Lucy was in front of the treasure chest with the coin in her hand.

    Natsu punched Jose and made some time. Then, he took out the other coin he had in his pocket and quickly tossed it to Lucy. The blondie caught it, but Jose noticed that the pinkette was planning something. Therefore, He took out his gun and pointed it at one side. He pointed it at Levy to be precise.

    "Levy! Move!" Gajeel yelled.

    "Levy!" Gray added as Juvia, Erza and Happy startled.

    Following that, the sound of a gunshot resonated through the entire cavern. But in the end, it wasn't Jose's pistol the one that took its shot... It was Natsu's. The pinkette had finally taken his shot with the sole bullet he had been saving since he was a kid.

    Jose startled in confusion and turned to look at Natsu. Then, he smirked devilishly again while believing himself to still be in control, even though the reality was the complete opposite.. "8 years you carried that pistol, and now you wasted your shot!" Jose claimed.

    "He didn't waste it!" Lucy replied firmly from behind.

    Jose turned to look at her and noticed the blondie was carrying both coins in her hand covered in blood. She had made another cut in her hand. Then, she swiftly let both coins fall into the chest at last.

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