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If all men are the same, why do women take so much time to choose one?_💕💕💕💕

If nothing last forever,then Hanan would just wish for Khalifa to be her nothing so that her love will last forever. Today is the second day without her sister, meaning two days of her freedom of deceit if I may add. Khalifa as innocent as he is thought that the weird way she is behaving is just something he should let slide since it isn't affecting him negatively.

He woke up and check beside him, he saw her figure sleeping lifeless next to him. He smiled intensely with his signature grin rightfully there. As he rubbed his eyes and cleared his blurred vision, he realized that her he is just hallucinating or it's his imaginations that is getting a fool out of him. How he miss that soul, he thought.

He quickly stod up and went to the bathroom to have his shower. It's almost time for office and so he went downstairs to have his breakfast. It's really unusual nothing was kept there and there was no sign of Zara.

Just as though, he heard some noise from the kitchen and he immediately went to check what's up. Upon reaching there, the scene he saw made him to burst into a fits of laughter and just in line, Hanan turned her face.

"Why? I look funny?" She questioned with a displeasing expression already speaking annoyance.

"If your height can't reach somewhere, you can just ask for help." He blurt

"Alright, will you help me get the container of the seasoning. I'm almost done with everything." She pouted. This reminded him of his wife. It's always about her height. They are both a bit short which they kind of inherited from their grandma per Hanan's words. And the weightlessness is from their dad. Petit figures that's what I call them he thought.

"Okay. Just come down I will get it for you." She immediately jumped down from the stool she climbed as a height supporter. He trailed ahead and opened the cabinet and tiptoe to get the container. He didn't make use of any height supporter.

"I feel insulted Ya Khalifa." Hanan stated clearing fake tears from her eyes. "I master everything I could to reach there but to no avail and you just did it with a tiptoe." He just wink at her in reply while she chuckle.

"So what are you making? And Zara?" He asked.

"Zara called me earlier that she can't make it for today because she isn't feeling well. And I'm making macaroni bolonesss." She replied.

"Should I help." He offered

"Yeah that's if you aren't going to be late for office." She retro. He tilted his head and start giving her a helping hand.

Hanan was stealing glances at every thing he does. He do things so perfectly to the extent that even a woman won't there to challenge him. Not paying attention to what she is doing, she let the pot to slide and the entire hot water spilled on her hands.

"Hanan be careful. He jogged to where she is standing but before reaching there the damage was done. She let out a scream while he immediately opened the fridge to get some ice cubes.

He starting rubbing it on her hands but it isn't helping.

"I think we should just go to the hospital. This thing isn't helping."

"Shhshhhshhhh oo-ookkay" she answered while subbing and letting out sounds.

He turned off the stove of the gas and then headed outside while she trails behind him.

"I will get my veil from the bedroom." She disappeared and went to her room and in two minutes she is back. They headed to the car and zoomed off.

The doctor attended to them while he prescribed some ointments for her. He advised that she shouldn't go under the sun and that she should have some rest.

After they were done, they immediately went to the pharmacy store near the hospital to get the ointments. Luckily, they have it so he bought it and payed for it. They drove home safely without anyone saying anything.

"Ya Khalifa." Hanan called while she is sitting on the couch adjacent to the one Khalifa is laying down on.

"Yes...Anything?" He asked while still watching the program on the TV.

"I want us to talk please." She shrug while playing with her fingers.

"Alright. Tell me what is it?" He asked as he turned off the Tv and sat down.

"Uhmm ya-ya Khalifa......" She stammer

"Just go straight to the point okay?." He tried calming her down.

"Toh. I'm just tired of hiding things. Like seriously I'm tired of all these." She exclaimed putting her hands on her face.

"Tired of what precisely? I don't get you?." He confusedly asked.

"The first time I saw you, when you came to greet my mom as Fanan's fiance, I just had that feeling that I couldn't discover what it was. I came out to great you and become friendly but you shun me off which made me to hate you. It wasn't hatred by the way, it was anger. An anger from a heart that's yearning for love but received something else in return. I continued to dislike you until the time you offered to help bring me out of that mess. We started bonding gradually which wasn't planned by either of us but fate. I started to like you more than I should. I started to feel like you are the most amazing person anyone would have as a husband. I thought of you as the most amazing husband for myself. I wished to get someone like you as a life partner. I wished you'd be that dream husband I've always dreamt of. So many wishes centered to one person and that's you Ya Khalifa but unfortunately my sister first me." She stood upright and continue "The way you do everything, the way you care for Ya Fanan at times I wish I'm the one getting that care." She stopped mid sentence as the thought of her sister flashed through her mind.

"I know I do love my sister so much but when it comes to your love I just can't compromise it for her sake. I began to reason on what to do about the feelings that's growing inside me. Khalifa I don't know how you'd take this but to be honest when I was asking you about that question yesterday, I was referring to myself. I twisted it just so that you won't be suspicious. I love you ya Khalifa I love you for the sake of Allah." She burst out crying Soo hard.

Khalifa stood there speechless. He couldn't utter a word from his mouth. How could she just.... The thought of it just feels so disgusting to his ears. How is Fanan going to react to him if she finds out?

"Hanan is this a new path of betrayal? You mistook my kindness as love? What do you really mean by that. Have you ever in your life heard about two siblings married to the same person?. Isn't this selfish?." The inner self of him is already boiling in shock and anger.

"You call my love selfishness?" A lone tear escaped from her eyes while she cleared it with her thumb."I won't blame you though. You have never tasted what it is to love someone without it reciprocating." She sigh.

"So what do you want right now? You want me to just divorce your sister and marry you or what?"

"That's not a bad idea." She murmured under her breath but still he heard her. He sigh in disbelief and just stomp out of the palor.

"What's wrong with me?" She hopped back on the couch and heaved a sigh. While she continued sobbing.


"Hi you sound dull, is everything okay?" Batul asked.

"Nah! Not yet. But I hope soon." She mumbled.

"Ohh so you have done the job?" Batul curiosily asked.

"Yuppy. But it kind of disappointed me a little."

"It's okay dear. Just keep trying and by God's willing you will gradually lure him."

"I just wish." She sigh.

"Alright, I will get going now I have something to catch up. But just be fine and follow my track okay? Don't inform anyone about it even that heart throbe of yours." She rolled her eyes as she remembered Halimah.


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