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#7433+words #highschool #twins

Edited 17/03/2024


Declan POV

Yesterday my best friend poppy suddenly announced that we were going to a party, it's not like I don't like parties because I do mainly so I can dance but the only reason I get invited is because of my cousin Kai, Kai is hot and no I'm not into having sex with family members but as a gay guy I can honestly say he's hot and that's the truth, everyone in our school knows that and that's why I get invited to so many parties it's because then there is a chance that he will come as well, since I came out gay Kai has been more protective of me, he doesn't accept party invites if they are from people who hates me and I think after the first few times everyone else figured it out, how to get him to attend, simply invite me first, then try and casually mention it to him when they ask him, though he knows some of them are total bullshit, sometimes he likes to play and say he will come but then change his mind the same night of the party, and because he's a part of the popular group in our school no-one says anything about it

Now I'm standing in some random persons house, who it belongs too is a mystery to me well it's not like I asked in the first place, but sometimes a persons has to know where they are, the address isn't familiar to anyone I know and when I mentioned it my cousin, he didn't know either, hell who knows if the owner even knows about the party going on, though to be honest I couldn't care less, if someone asked a person they thought they could trust to take care of they're house but then 'said' person through a party, then who's fault is it in the first place, they would both be responsible, you could say I'm not well 'liked' in school even with Kai as a cousin, the main issue they have is because I'm gay, the second one is because I wont sit back and let others walk all over me, the bullshit some of my 'peers' say on a daily bases has slowly quietened down, because the last person who had the balls to say it to my face ended up in the hospital with three broken ribs and broken nose

That happened a number of times before they realised that that this queer, is not going to allow them to speak bullshit to me and get away with, of course the ones who don't have the balls to tell me face to face, who hide behind others or like to spend time typing out things on the schools website, I can't do anything about well until I find out who they are and then I deal with them, I'm quite good -brilliant really- at technology, I assume you could call me a hacker even though I have never called myself that, but it's what would most fit what I can do, it's not known to most people I think only Poppy and Kai know about it and I quite like that, I trust Poppy but if I needed to speak to anyone about something serious then Kai would be the person I would go to first {though Kai does have a big mouth on him when he wants too, luckily family secrets are something he is quite good at keeping} I thought mentally huffing at all the secrets he's blurted out, especially in class, I looked over the dance floor and saw Poppy speaking to another guy, it was her turn to get us some drinks, I chuckled softly at her, knowing perfectly well that once she gets the drink, hands it to me, she will be off dancing with him

We were there for about an hour, I was leaning against the wall away from the front door, so I could keep an eye on Poppy, when the two most sexiest and most popular guys in our school walked through the door, Tyler and Cameron Adams identical twins, though strangely enough I've always been able to tell them apart, when most people in our school still get them mixed up, even those who claim to be their friend still do....anyway completely going off topic but they are two sexy males, just because I don't talk to them at all doesn't mean I haven't got a pair of eyes and I'm not stupid to not look when they obviously show it off {they like to show their bodies off a lot} I sighed knowing it's true since they seem to do it quite often, even in the most unusual moments, like we could be in the middle of class and the next minute they would both stand up and take their tops off, though I'm not stupid enough to let them see me staring at them because then it would just be awkward as hell, it doesn't stop the females in our class to start drooling at them or try and get there number to a fuck

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