King & Me

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#8254+words #vampire Edited 24/03/2024



You know all those stories that you got told when you where little about vampires and the supernatural....well their real, a few years ago vampires became known to the world, some for the better, others for the worst, it was also became known that there are royal vampires, they are the oldest amongst them and was more powerful than your ordinary vampire, they are the ones who keeps the others from going to far and making meals of whole villages and towns, the most strangest thing is that no one has even seen the royals yet, the rumours around town is that they are hiding amongst us in secret, well to be honest I wouldn't blame them if they were because obviously royal vampires are different to the rest of the vampire, well that's what you hear from the 'normal' vampires anyway whether that is true or not is another matter, though I do get the impression that they are scared of the royal vampires and that is another reason why I'd rather not meet one at all

I'm Sam Owens, twenty-six years old I don't have any family left so I'm pretty much on my own have been since I was fourteen, now your thinking wasn't I ever lonely to be honest no I wasn't, I've always liked the quietness of being on my own, whenever I go into town you don't get that, it's always the people who love to gossip about others business, like the husbands who are cheating on their wives, the wives who are cheating on their husband or someone's kid been put into jail for something, I scoffed silently whenever I hear the constant gossip around town and don't get me started on what they say about the vampires because some of it would have you laughing your ass off in their face because seriously they are ridiculous, though I doubt they would actually say it straight to the vampires faces because honestly this town gets worse

At the moment I've just got to work, I work at a bar in the middle of town and anyone is allowed in, it doesn't matter whether you are a human or vampire, it also helps that the owners are a vampire and human who are also married or mated I think vampires call it, I've never really been bothered about humans mating with vampires, just as long as it's consented on either sides then it's their own business but obviously not all of the humans in this town think the way I do, some have even tried to separate a vampire from his mate before and let me tell you it didn't go down well, though it was funny to watch, yes I might have a bit of a sadistic side to me but only when the other party deserved it and most of the time they did, I mean trying to separate a vampire and his mate will only bring trouble, even an idiot should know that but I'm sad to say that it took a few times for the people of this town to actually realise what a really bad idea it truly was

I've never bothered getting into other people's business before but I have done so last week, when a human male tried to touch a vampires mate at the bar, you can always tell if a female is mated because they have a tattoo, I knew something was going to happen since the guy was acting like he was the greatest catch and his friends were urging him on, I mean I didn't do anything, all I did was step in front of him so he couldn't get too close since the female had already told him to go away, so it was his own fault ever since then nearly every vampire, well in this town anyway talks to me, I couldn't understand it so I asked my boss about it you know since he's a vampire and he reply confused because that still doesn't mean they have to speak to me, making sure any female or male -if the case may be- are safe whilst they are drinking at the bar, all I felt was that I was doing my job, if I wasn't then I would be a shitty bartender

Flashback Start

"Lucan, what the hell is going on, I've had nearly the whole town of vampires talking to me lately, and it's really creeping me out" I questioned him, two weeks after the incident, I knew he would understand what I was saying given that he was vampire himself, I've never cared that my boss was a vampire because it still pays my bills and that's the only thing I care about really "they understand that you wouldn't have gotten involved unless it was to stop someone from getting hurt, they know that you wouldn't touch their mates so they're not upset now when their mates talk to you in the bar" he replied after a few minutes of being quiet, I looked over at him and thought about that for a minute and just nod my head "is this because I just stepped in front of the woman a few weeks ago" I guessed but it was the only thing that I could think of "we are very possessive of our mates and very protective of them as well, when you stood in front of the woman, you did leave space between you and her, which made my kind know that while you are keeping her safe, you still know not to touch her" I hummed and motioned for him to continue "when will humans learn not to mess with one of my kinds mate, I now know the woman you helped is the mate of a top warrior for the royal bloodline, and if he wants to make it into something, the humans cannot do anything to stop him" he informed me {fuck, a royal warrior and they still don't stop} I sighed annoyed at the trouble it will cause

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