Chapter 1: part two

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Hunter's POV:
*yawns* I'm so tired.. I walk down the halls a bit late than usual with my group of mates. It's just another day at this boring school. Same routine as yesterday. I sigh and look at my surroundings. I see the same groups of people I see every morning. Dylan comes up to me. As we do our handshake the bell rings. Just as we're about to leave a person bumps into Dylan.
"OH- my- I am so sorry! I didn't mean to-!",
It was a new boy, I've never seen him around. "THEN WATCH WHERE YOUR GOING DUMBASS!" Dylan raises his voice and yells at the boy. He then gets physical and yanks him by the collar of his shirt, raising a fist. I quickly pushed him off and told him to knock it off. He can be a dick with his temper.
I look at the boy, "I'm so sorry about him, are you alright?" I step in front of him, tidy his shirt and fix up his collar. He looks at his collar then up at me. "Yes, thank you", he gives a kind smile. My hands stopped and I looked at him for a sec. I suddenly felt strange. What?. I take my hands off his collar and smile back "of course, I'm Hunter by the way" I hold my hand out. He shakes my hand and replies "Tyler, nice to meet you!" He then turns to Dylan and apologises again. Dylan scratches the back of his neck "yeah." "Shit. We need to go, hope we see eachother again Tyler" I wave and walk past him to go to my class.

Tyler's POV:
He asked me if I was alright. I look up at him as he's fixing my collar. I just looked at him. He has pretty eyes- "yes, thank you". He paused then smiled. He told me his name. Hunter. We shook hands as I replied, "Tyler, nice to meet you!". I looked at Dylan and apologised once more. Oh god. I'm slightly late for class. Hunter looks at me,  "Shit. We need to go, hope we see eachother again Tyler". He waves and walks past me, I waved back as I walk the opposite way to my class. "Bye bye!" I yelled out.

Time skip to after class (lunch)

The bell rings for lunch. Tyler grabs his bag and packs up his belongings. Sky walks over from the front of the classroom putting her bag on her back. "Hey! How'd you go?" She stands in front of Tyler's desk and smiles. He looks up from his desk and returns a smile "alright I suppose aha- math isn't my strongest subject-". Sky chuckles and replies "you answered correctly when the teacher asked you a question, I was impressed!". Tyler stands from his desk and has a conversation with sky on the way out. They exited the classroom and Tyler turns his head. Further down the hall he spots Hunter. He smiles widely and says to sky "catch up with me!", "what?-" Tyler drops his bag on the floor and sprints down the corridor. "TYLER-?" She looks watched him take off then looks at his bag. She grabs his bag and chases after him, slightly struggling from the weight of both hers and Tylers bags. "OI-!".
Hunters back facing Tyler, Tyler jumps onto his back and basically strangles him as his arms goes around his neck and his legs around his waist. "Hunter!" He laughs. Hunter caught by suprise, he holds Tylers arms around his neck and tries to breathe. Tyler jumps off his back and hugs him from behind. "I'm sorry! I was excited to see you".
"TYLER U IDIOT!" Sky catches up to him, out of breathe she struggles to to stand up straight and smacks the back of Tylers head. "Ah! HeY-" Tyler spins around quickly and does finger guns at Sky. She gives him his bag and looks at Hunter and his friends. His friends look confused and stood there in silence. Dylan rolls his eyes at both Sky and Tyler. Sky noticed the eye roll and glared. "Tsk-" Dylan runs his hand through his hair then puts his hands in his pockets.
Hunter looks at the two and laughs. "Hello again" he returns the hug Tyler gave and wraps his arms around him. Tyler's face turns pink and Sky noticed the pink flush. Her eyes widened then she twerked in one spot then does some strange dances. She then looks at Tyler then Hunter then Tyler again and gives "the look", a big smirk and eyebrows going up and down. Hunter lets go of Tyler and ask the two of them if they'd like to join him and his friends at lunch. Sky grabs Tyler's arm and links. "Yes." She said in a stern voice and walks forward towards the outside seating area. Hunter watches them walk past and chuckles. He looks at his friends and shrugs them gestures them to follow.
They all find a table and they sit down together. Everyone has their own conversation and gets along. A girl comes over to the table. She waves "hey baby!". Hunter looks over his shoulder.

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