Chapter 1 - First day

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WARNING!!: Swearing

Tyler's pov
I was walking through the halls of my new school. Nirvera State High School. I'm starting 12th grade this year, I heard lots of stories from this school mostly from my neighbours, but I don't believe their stories, it sounds over exaggerated. For example, a girl set her hair on fire.... Well I don't know; I really do want to believe it's true, but I feel guilty.

While I was walking, I took out a piece of a folded paper from my pocket. I unfolded the paper to reveal my schedules for my classes. I sighed, "oh.... I got Math..." I said quietly to myself. I'm terrible at Math, math is too complicated for me. I used to enjoy the subject but now I absolutely hate it.

"shit! I got maths!"

I looked behind me to see a short girl, long black hair, pale skin, and wears these big round glasses. I started seeing these glasses almost everywhere on the internet. Its popular. They're probably fake but still looks good. She bumped into me, she then looked up and apologizes to me. Kind girl I thought to myself. "It's alright." I said accepting her apology, I smiled then I turned around to continue where I was going-

"Wait! Are you new here?", I turn around again, and the pale girl looks at me standing there, quietly. Looks like she was waiting for a response from me... Oh... oh! She's asking me! "Erm. Ye-yes? Yes, I am?" Her face lit, smile appear on her face "Hi, my name is Sky. What's yours?" the pale girl questioned. "umm my name is Tyler" I answered. She looks at me with her head slightly tilted.  "Tyler? That's cool name!", "Thanks! Sky sounds pretty" I said returning her a compliment. "Well I got

to go now, see you around Tyler!" she walks off smiling and waving at me. I smiled and did a small wave back at her. Woah, I made a friend? Especially on the first day. HELL YES!

Suddenly the bell rang. I checked the time on my phone (09:15). Damn it I'm going to be late might as well run for it then. I ran through the hallways in Naruto style. I felt a big thud on my head then I fell.

"ouch!" I opened my eyes to see a tall boy rubbing his hand against his arm. Did I hit his arm? I thought to myself. "OH- my- I am so sorry! I didn't mean to-!", "THEN WATCH WHERE YOUR GOING DUMBASS!" he grabs me by the shirt and clenches his fist and was ready to throw a punch. I closed my eyes ready for a bruise on my face. "Come on, knock it off Dylan".

I opened my eyes...

To be continued ^^
(465 words)

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