10. The red car's owner is a child

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After Osomatsu got beat up from spending a whole day with you alone, the brothers told you to do the same with them as well, so here you are, following Karamatsu while he leads you to a place to eat. Since you are dragon you eat more food than a regular human, so you try at least to cook you something so it doesn't get too expensive.

"Karamatsu, where are we going?" You ask curious, wanting to know what kind of food you get to taste this time. Since you are in this world, there were many different dishes you never heard of before you fell in love with from how good they taste, especially when you use spice to make the meat juicier. "Today my dearest Karamatsu girl, I will lead you to a special place my brothers and I visited very often before you came into our life. Say my dear, did you ever ate oden before?" You shake your head, but your tail starts to sway and you drool a bit. "Heh, then I hope your appetite will not disappoint you. This oden taste far better than any other you can find in a store, because it's home cooked." You nod excited and follow Karamatsu happily, being impatient to eat this oden dish.

Once you arrive by a red both who looks a bit like a moving car, you are surprised to see a child standing behind the boiling pots. "Oh, Karamatsu, it's been a while ya idjit." The child chuckles with a grin, before it looks at you. "Eh?! Did you rent yourself a maid?! Are ya that desperate?!" "N-No! It's not like that!" Karamatsu says panicked, while you stare at the child. 'Is he ... a slave? ... Do they still exist in this world?' "I-It's complicated, but she isn't-" "Where are you parents?" You ask him worried, making Karamatsu pause and the child froze. " ... I'm an adult!" He suddenly yells at you, while Karamatsu tries not to laugh. "W-What?! B-But you're so small ... d-did you never had a full meal?!" You ask panicked, not used to see people who are that small. "M-My apologies Ch-Chibita..." Karamatsu says with a trembling smile, while Chibita looks annoyed at you.

"I-I'm sorry, I-I didn't wanted to upset you-" "It's okay, it's not my first time someone thought I'm a child." Chibita sighs and starts to stir the food inside the pots. "So, what'd ya want?" Karamatsu clears his throat, calming down again. "You see, my dearest lady never had oden before, so I thought I should let her have a taste from yours, since your oden is the best, Chibita." You stare at the food and when the scent goes into your nose, your stomach growls and you drool a bit. Chibita blush softly and huffs, placing down two empty plates and two glasses water. "As long as you pay, she can eat as much as she want."

You both sit down and Karamatsu shows you how to pick the food up with chopsticks, because you would just grab it with your bare hand, because your thick dragon skin protects you from things like these, even if you have right now a normal human looking hand. You blow the steam off before you take a bite and your eyes light up, quickly starting to eat with a happy smile and your tail swaying happily. Karamatsu blush and smiles softly, enjoying watching you eat so happy. After you became their maid, you refused to eat food because you were afraid someone poisoned it if you didn't watched any step, but now you feel safe and eat whatever the brothers giving you.

"She really has a good appetite." Chibita chuckles, watching you as well. "I can assure you that we will pay you a visit more often again, my dear friend." Karamatsu says with a cool smile. "As long as ya idjits pay I don't mind." He says with a smile, while Karamatsu glance with a sweaty and slight nervous smile away.

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