14. Fancy nobel car handsome guy

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Todomatsu said you should get at least some new clothes, because you can't always wear just one maid dress and since you really lack the sense of fashion, Todomatsu decided to go with you shopping. Most of the time a woman who worked in the store was helping you finding the perfect clothes for you, he watched you and found it cute how excited you always looked from all the different kind of clothes.

Now, you carry all bags while Todomatsu feels a bit bad. "Y-Y/n-chan, I'm a guy, I can carry them much easier." "But I don't want you to get hurt Todomatsu. The grips from theses bags are sharp when you carry them too long." You say worried, making Todomatsu blush. 'She is so cute~.' "Todomatsu-kun~." He cringe and looks over his shoulder annoyed, making you look at the voice as well and you are surprised to see a handsome young man in a suit walking over to you two. "It's been a while Todomatsu-kun. Who is this? Your girlfriend?" He ask curious and smiles at you. 'He smells like a nice human...' "Th-This is-" "I'm Y/n, nice to meet you. Wanna be friends?" You ask with a smile, making Todomatsu panic. 'I told her to make friends, but not with Atsushi-kun! He will give Y/n-chan a much better life than with us!'

"Oh, nice to meet you too. My name is Atsushi, I'm a friend from Todomatsu." He introduce himself with a smile as well. "Todomatsu never told me about you." You say surprised, causing him to tense up. Atsushi just laughs softly with a smile. "That's okay, Todomatsu is just a bit shy. During high school, he was-" "A-Atsushi-kun! W-Why are you here?" He quickly interrupts him panicked, not wanting you to know about this embarrassment. "Oh, I was on a date, but when I saw you two I couldn't help but to come over. Are you on a date as well?" Atsushi ask with a curious smile and you nod.

"Yes, Todomatsu said I should wear normal clothes when I go out and not all the time this maid dress." Atsushi chuckles and nods smiling. "Oh, did you know that Todomatsu also wore a maid dress in high school? We had an event in your class and-" "Sh-Shouldn't you go back to your date?" Todomatsu ask with a forced smile, a bit annoyed.

"Oh, you really have much bags. If you want, I can give you two a ride home in my car. Here, that's how it looks." Atsushi pulls his phone out and shows you his lock screen, a picture of his car is visible. You look curious at it, while Todomatsu feels like he should just drag you away from Atsushi to make sure you won't leave him and his brothers. "That looks cool, but Todomatsu wanted to show me more around, so we can't leave yet." You say with a smile and Atsushi nods with a smile. "Okay, I understand. Well, see you later Todomatsu, and text me back, okay? I feel a bit lonely when you ignore me." Atsushi waves with a smile and you wave back, before he returns to the woman.

"Y/n-chan, money isn't everything in this world!" "?!" You flinch when Todomatsu suddenly grabbed your shoulders, looking panicked at you. " ... I know." You say with a smile and hug him. "And don't worry Todomatsu, you will always be my master, just like your brothers." You smile at him innocently, causing him to blush heavily. "O-Oh um...th-that's good to hear..." You laugh softly and nuzzle your face into his chest, enjoying his scent while Todomatsu tries hard not to think too much about your breasts pressing against him.

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