11. The werecat girl

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Choromatsu told you about a Nyaa-chan concert, so you just followed him to the building where the concert is, even if it looks like it's not a very big one. You look at all the different kind of people, surprised to see some of them with cat ears on their heads. Choromatsu hums when you tug at his sleeve, pointing to a group people. "Are they werecats?" You ask surprised, but look confused when Choromatsu chuckles. "No no, these aren't real cat ears. They wear fake ones." "D-Did they cut of ears from cats?" You ask with a pale face, trembling a bit. "N-No! They aren't! It's made out of fabric!" Choromatsu says panicked, not wanting to scare you. "W-Why would you do something like that? Do they keep you at least warm?" Choromatsu smiles sweaty, finding it rather cute how innocent you are.

"I-It's a bit complicated to explain, but I can tell you that these aren't real cat ears." Choromatsu says with a smile and you nod hesitating. He hums thinking before he gets an idea, holding his index finger a bit up. "I'll be right back. Wait here, okay?" You nod and Choromatsu quickly leaves to get something. You look around the place, humming confused when you get a sweet scent into your nose. 'Smells like ... someone who was breeding...' You look around, before you spot a girl with pink hair and cat ears on her head, walking backstage with a young man, but you can smell that they are in a relationship, because their scents are similar.

"Y/n-chan." You look to Choromatsu's voice, but flinch when he put suddenly something onto your head. Before you can touch it, he holds out a small mirror for you and you can see the pair of cat ears everyone else is wearing. "What do you think?" You blush a bit and touch them, surprised how soft they actually feel like. "They ... look cute..." You mumble while looking at your reflection. Choromatsu blush while watching you, starting to forget why he was even here with you. 'She is so cute...'

~And then...~
During the concert, it became too loud for you and told Choromatsu that you will wait outside for him, because he looked like he really enjoyed it here. He was worried at first, but when you gave him a kiss on the cheek he seemed to calm down again and you could left. You wait in the meet and greet room who is still empty, but flinch when one door suddenly opens and the young man you saw before storms over to the exit. You hum when you hear a girl sobbing, hesitating walking inside the hallway only employees are allowed to enter. You follow the sound until you reach an open door, looking worried at the girl with the pink hair.

" ... Are you okay?" You ask softly, startling her and making her look up to you. Tears rolling down her face before she starts to cry, shaking her head. You frown and shut the door, walking over to her and getting down on your knees to pull her into a gentle embrace. She quickly hugs you back, crying into your shoulder, while you rub her back gentle. 'This is ... the first time I actually comfort someone...' You shut your eyes and let her calm down on her own, trying not to use too much of your strength so you don't hurt her by accident.

After a while, she slowly calmed down and pulls hesitating away from you, sniffling. "Thank you..." She mumbles, looking down. You smile and pet her head softly. "Don't thank me, it looked like you needed this." She smiles a little and wipes her tears away. You pull your hand away, remembering what Todomatsu told you one day. "Hey, wanna be friends?" She looks up to you with red eyes, before she laughs softly and nods. "Sure, that sounds nice." You smile and hug her again, before pulling away. "I should go back to my friend before he worries over me again. Hey, I don't have um ... a smartphone? ... Yeah, sounds right, but I have a phone at home. It's super strange how this works, but it's so easy to talk with each other over a huge distance instead of sending letters. Here it is." You write it down with one of your sharp fingernails onto the floor, shocking her a bit.

"I'm most of the time home, so just call me whenever you want, okay?" She nods hesitating and you get up, waving with a smile before you walk out and back to the empty room. Choromatsu looks around and smiles when you tug at his sleeve, smiling at him. "They said Nyaa-chan isn't here today, so let's go to an anime store. I wanna show you a few things about her." You nod with a smile and follow Choromatsu out of the crowd. 'I'm sure Todomatsu will be proud that I made a friend. He said it's important to have friends and she smelled like a very trustworthy human.'

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