After life (Fluff)

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Hey peeps I didn't know what to write about but don't worry I came up with something.

Ali whimper as he hugged Sae-byoek, "And I-I love him", he sobb as she rubbed his back, soon they saw another soul enter the realm.


Ali broke from Sae-byoek grip as he ran into Sang-woo arms sobbing, Sang-woo was taken back, didn't Ali hate him?

Sae-byoek glared at him, as she stuck the finger up, turning her back. "Sang-woo I missed you", Ali hugged him tightly, Sang-woo felt his throat clogg as tears form on his eyes.

"I'm sorry", Sang-woo whisper as Ali smile at him, "I forgive you but you need to make it up", he said cuddling on his chest.

Two years later

They both decided to visit Gi-hun again only to walk on Gi-hun getting fuck hard against his mattress by the Salesman.

"Ew!", Eeked Ali as Sang-woo cover his eyes, hearing Ali groan in pain, as they went threw the wall they saw Oh Illam about to go threw wall.

"Don't player one, really don't go I want to burn my eyes off", Ali gripped him as he laughed, "thank you for the warning boy", he floated away.

Ali grab Sang-woo hand and went on top of the moon, both staring at the stars. "I love you", Sang-woo said as I Ali smile laying his head on Sang-woo shoulder.

"I love you too"

Sorry it's short but I liked writing this one, hoped you enjoyed.

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