I liked You!!!!

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Now back to the story,  I started to watch more a interveiws of them as there was lockdown and basically there was no work to do(NOTE: AT THIS POINT OF TIME I DID NOT KNOW ABOUT THE AWARDS THEY WON.) I just fell in love with their bond, the way they present themselves, their cute fights and arguments, the way sumedh never leaves the opportunity to tease her,  and so it goes on and on and on 

I never felt bored or tired of watching them every time I watch them there is something new something fresh, something which is just beyond everything. no matter how many times I see the same interveiw, I enjoy it. No matter how many times I see their vm's I enjoy it. Every song sounds beautiful when a vm is made on them. Till day I deliberately wait for dinner time so that I can watch radha krishn. 

One more thing I want to clarify is that why do people critisize such a wonderful show? I agree that there are a few things which seem utter nonsense in the story line. but the message that we get at the end of every chapter the morals, the values the lessons and the truth of live is really priceless. I totally agree that if the same lessons were delivered to people with the true story line it would be more better. but stilll its an amazing peice of art by the whole swastik family and I will always be indebted to all the people who are working on the show  WE MUST NOT FORGET THAT THIS IS THE SHOW WHICH HAS CHANGED THE LIVES AND LIFESTYLE OF THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE and I felll extremely happy and proud that I am one of them. 

I am a girl who has madness towards music and acting. I also had some intrest in dance but due to wrong influence, I did not develope that much of Intrest towards dance. But this is the show and these two are the people who woke up the dancer in me. Their passion towards it was totally amazing. I had also attended a few auditions for singing reality shows but was thrown out right in the first rounds. I had lost all my hopes thinking that I can never get selected in the auditions. there shoud be an emotional backstory with some masala and tadka. but after watching Sumedh my vision got changed I thought that its not the end. I must not loose my confidence I must trust on my passion and work hard towards it. In Sumedh's words, I would say "tu karm karte jaa........... phal ki chinta na kar................."


I had my entrence exams today and thats the reason I could not update and was completely offline for 2-3 days. Sorry...............

Bye bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And before going 


















Radha Radhe!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sumellika my idolsWhere stories live. Discover now