Chapter 44

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Sandy's POV

After a long conversation with Karthick we finally figured out a way to fix this issue. Im not  doing this to bring Aadit and Akshara back together. I would always encourage her to stop this here. But Im doing this to prove my little one is innocent. I very well know she is innocent but for a stupid like him we need to prove it.

Actually, Sania's elder brother was a very good friend of Karthick, its a bad time for Sania she wasnt much aware of it. Karthick tried explaining the issue to him and our good time he was in favour of us. Sania has been a little scared of her brother as her family was a little strict at times.

Finally we planned a meeting on the next in a nearby cafe. Sania's brother promised to bring her there. And I haven't said anything to Akshara still. After hours of crying, just now she fell asleep. I can see a little girl sleeping on the bed and dont want to wake her up.

Im just going to take her there without telling her anything. She wont be quiet unless I tell her but still I dont want her to get disappointed if the plan flops.

Akshara's POV

My eyes burn when I wake up the next day. I brush my teeth and walk out of my room, Sandy is already waiting at the sofa for me.

"Come on, Akshara. Get ready fast, we need to go out" he says

"Im not coming anywhere" I whine.

"Your coming, Akshara dot" he says pushing me back to my room.

Im not in a mood to go out anywhere but this Sandy wont leave me now. So I take a quick bath and change into a casual dress and walk out of my room.

"Where are we going now" I ask.

"Just keep quiet and come out with me" he said pulling me along with him.

After a 15 minutes drive, we reach a cafe, I dont even know why he has brought me here.

We walk inside and there is someone already at the table waiting for us. There was Karthick, Sania and another person.

Karthick waves to me but I dont even wave back as hundreds of thoughts run in my mind  why all these people are here.

"Sandy, whats happening" I ask as we reach the table.

It feels so irritating to see Sania there.

"Give me a second, Akshara. This is Sania's brother." he introduces and just give him a smile.

"Have you called Aadit" Sandy asks Karthick.

"Yes, just now Sania called him, he is on his way" he says.


I really dont understand what's happening. I haven't even spoken a word to Karthick yet.

After a long silence, Aadit comes into my view. His face turns red seeing me and Karthick there.

"You..." he says biting his teeth.

"Hey hey stop, we just need 10 minutes, nothing more you can react after that" Sandy stops him.

"Sandy, what's going on here" I ask him again.

"Wait, Akshara" he says again.

"Aadit, we just need 10 mins" Sandy says and this time Aadit nods his head.

"Ok Sania, have any one of us said to you that we are in a relationship with each other" Karthick asks her pointing both of us.

She doesn't answer but just looks at us.

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