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Pitiful naive child, why do you seek rocks?
Collide. Cerebrate.
Immerse yourself,
Drown, give up, let go
And maybe then shall you see, that you aren't suffocating
That the chains were never meant to bind you, but to ground you.
Submerge in inhibitions, relish the convenant.

Poor neglectful child why seek rocks
When you could be a mountain...
Collide. Cerebrate. Cope.
All these consequential affairs; enrobe
Past, Purgatory, Prospects
And then will the savoir faire follow
Pain, perception, precedence
Its you, then I
Prejudice, Patience, Placidity
You are the tranquil and I, the tempest

Pithy nefarious child defy your desires
Provoke the rock
See for yourself

Heed how impressionable the seemingly
sturdy rock is
when challenged by the cascades
Why rest on rocks
...when we could be the Sierra

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