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Wait the storm out
For where he and I collide
Nihility remains to be salvaged

Pair of celestials
Gravitating, levitating
Every bit of matter; amidst and beyond
Pulled apart then burnt away.
Here light is gorged
All that is
Matured into a memory

Challenge the order
And where we collide
Convergence at the consequence of ruins
Every stranger on this path will be ravaged
Creation at the cost of chaos

Dare anyone relish his calm,
Matter of moments until the storm arrives;
Matter of seconds until all is destroyed,
For my pandemonium lays in wait.
It's him then I,
Khaos and the votary,
Succumbing at the name
Engaged to the litany, drowning in the cadence

I am but a mere mortal of the norm
Challenge conventionality
Here order is born of chaos

Ask the corpses,
Heed the echoes
And all the relics shall caution you, against the fanatic's shadow

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