Chapter 2 - A Grocery store trip

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Uni got onto his motorcycle, And drove over to the store, Thinking to himself about he whether or not he should actually let Honey go to the Human school, but Uni thought it through, And realized, with Him there it would be hard for honey to be Hurt, He finished his thinking just as he arrived, He got off his bike and locked it as he walked into the store.

When he walked into the store, he looked for the notebooks, Grabbing some When he found them, and a few pencils, He seen a Human there, He was in a basketball Uniform, He wasn't acting better then anyone there, Just buying some food, And then there was the skidding of a car outside, And then the sound of The door being slammed open, 4 Human Teens then walked in, Two With Guns, Two With knives, Uni Then Hid behind one of the Aisle Shelves, That Human in the basketball Uniform Also Hid.

"Why are you hiding with me? Aren't you with them?" Uni whispered a bit Scared by the fact 4 Humans had weapons, "I Am not with them, I do not want to be shot" The human said, "Everyone on the ground!" One of the robbers Yelled, Shooting his handgun in the air, Everyone in the store Got down on the ground, And One of the robbers Got behind the counter Opening the cash register and began to take the money, There was a raccoon Cub in there, They were crying because they were scared, "SHUT UP DISGUSTING RAT!" One of the robbers yelled, it was the Second with a hand gun, He aimed at the Cub, "Stop crying or ill gun you down like the rat you are!" The Robber yelled again, The Cub didn't stop crying, The Robber began to pull the trigger, "I warned you!" They yelled, The Human in the basketball Uniform got up and ran over, grabbing the cub, right as the trigger was pulled, pulling the cub out of the way of the Bullet, It ricocheted hitting the robber in the hand, "MY HAND!" The Robber held his hand dropping his hand gun, "Get that piece of crap!" The robber that's hand was now bleeding yelled In rage and pain, The human in the basketball Uniform put the cub by Uni.

One of the Robbers with a knife walked around the Shelf seeing The Human in the basketball Uniform, And they got ready to swing their knife into Them, But as they stepped forward to swing the knife, They got tripped up by Uni, The Basketball Playing Human Got Up grabbing the knife, "You focus on getting the people to safety, Ill focus on getting the robbers knocked down, Alright Human?" Uni told the Human in the Basketball Uniform, "I have a name you know" The Human in a Basketball Uniform said "I'm John" They Introduced themselves, "Well I'm Uni, Now let's Get to beating these robbers" Uni said Introducing himself, John passed Uni the Knife, Uni snuck around to a Aisle, Where a Robber seen him, Luckily all he had was a knife, The human made the first swing, Uni Let the Blade hit his arm, then tensed His Muscle, Making it effectively Get stuck, It Hurt Extremely, But then Uni Kicked the robber in the crotch and then in the Face, Knocking them out, The second robber that had a Gun Noticed John pulling another Person to safety, They aimed and were about to pull the trigger, Uni kicked the Robber in the leg so they fell over and let go of the gun, The last robber that had a gun Aimed it at Uni, John Grabbed a Toy ball from a nearby shelf and thrown it at the wall and it bounced off it, Hitting the robber in the face, There was enough force to knock them over.

John Helped everyone that was on the ground up and had the cashier call the Police, Some Of the People thanked John, Specifically the Raccoon and the Raccoon Pup that he saved, "Um Uni" John Said, "what john?" Uni asked, "Your Arm has a knife sticking out of it" John said, "I'm fine, Anyways, Why are you so nice, Aren't all humans like those robbers?" Uni Said, "No, Not really, Only Some of them are Jerks  like that" John said "But you should get your arm patched Up" John Remarked a bit worried, "Alright, But let me buy the stuff I need for me and My sister" Uni said, "I can help you carry them with your Arm like that" John said, "Fine, Well what else i need is Two backpacks" Uni said, "Wait, Are you going to school for that one Togetherness project?" John asked, "Yes? Why?" Uni asked, "Well then I guess your gonna most likely End up going to my school, May I stay with you till tomorrow?" John asked, "Uh, I guess, But stay away from the upstairs, Ok?" Uni Stated, "Got it!" John Said, John Grabbed two backpacks, and handed them to Uni, Uni then purchased them and then he walked outside, "Let's get on my Motorcycle, I think i have a spare helmet on it" Uni said, They walked to Uni's Motorcycle, And Uni handed John a Bee Themed Motor Cycle helmet, John put it on and got onto the motorcycle behind Uni.

"So, How long till we're gonna get to your house" John Questioned, "Probably in a few minutes" Uni replied, "Oh, Great!" John said, John was a bit scared of riding a motorcycle So he held onto Uni for dear life, Uni was a bit annoyed by this But ignored it, He continued driving stopping at his house, "That was scary" John said, "It took me a while to get used to driving a motorcycle, A lot longer to Learn how to drive one and For some Crash injuries to heal, But anyways let's get inside John, i believe your name was" Uni said, "Oh! Alright!" John said, Taking off the Bee Motorcycle Helmet and putting onto the motorcycle near the one Uni was wearing, John followed Uni Inside.

"Woah! Nice House Uni!" John Remarked as he walked in, Nora Waved at Uni, Till she noticed John, "Seems your finally lightening Up Uni" Nora Said, "Right now i just want to get some sleep" Uni said "Don't let John Upstairs" Uni said, "Oh so that's the human's name" Nora Commented "Nice to meet you John! I'm Nora" She Introduced herself, Stretching out her hand, John shook her hand, "Nice to Meet you Too Nora" John said, "Couldn't help but notice you are in a basketball Uniform, Are you also into sports?" Nora asked, "Oh, I LOVE SPORTS!" John said, "Which is your favorite sport" Nora asked, "That would have to be basketball for me" John Answered, "I specifically Like soccer" Nora said a bit Happy, "But im feeling a bit tired" John Remarked "After Fighting those robbers at that store" He said, "Wait, Is that why Uni has a bandage on his Jacket sleeve, Also Alright, You sleep, im probably gonna go run to check my Mailbox and Be right back" Nora said, "Alright!" John said, He laid down on the couch in the living room of Uni's house and he fell asleep fast

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