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Hold onto that until then...IZUKU".


Hi, my name is IZUKU SPARDA MIDORIYA, and welcome to my world. A metric fuckton of people have these abilities called quirks and some people don't and naturally the ones who don't are treated like shit and well, unfortunately, I'm one of the unlucky bastards born without one. Then there's the fact that I go to a shit Jr High that doesn't give a fuck about people like me. Speaking of Jr High it's my last day so I guess that's a plus.

3rd Person POV

Izuku got up from his bed after talking to....someone and got dressed. After that, he made his bed and went downstairs to get breakfast. "Hey ma," He said grabbing a cup from the cupboard. In doing so several dishes fell due to being organized haphazardly. Izuku threw his cup up and slammed his newly freed hand on a chair which, in turn, flipped up and caught the falling dishes before they could fall further and shatter. Izuku then jumped up and kicked the chair hitting it against the cupboard and launching the dishes back in perfect stacks. He then ax kicked the chair slamming it back onto the ground before he finally flipped onto the chair. "What's for breakfast". The room was silent until a plate fell out of the still opened cupboard which Izuku caught and threw at the cupboard closing it before catching the plate again and setting it on the table and flashing a grin. INKO shook her head before breaking out in a fit of giggles. "You act just like your uncle" sometimes. Izuku shrugged as he had never met the man personally only hearing stories of the mysterious man same with his father. "Cool cool you never answered my question though," Izuku said, "Oh yeah on today's menu we have. Drum roll please. RICE OMELETTES WITH THE MIDORIYA FAMILY SAUCE" Inko announced. Izuku's face dropped as he mentally prepared himself for the meal.

After breakfast, Izuku tossed his dishes in the sink and started his morning commute to school. Running. Once he Arrived he took his seat and zoned out per usual. See Izuku has good grades they are actually why he zones out because school proposes no challenge to him at all. "Hello, class as you know today we're going to be taking a test to see what potential carriers you'd be good at so you can apply yourself and have the best life you can" The teacher announced. "Is what I'm supposed to do but we all know you want to be hero's" he added before throwing the papers in the air. This caused the class to start using their quirks before one boy interjected. "PSSH WE ALL KNOW THESE USELESS FUCKTARDS WILL END UP A SIDEKICK TO SOME THIRD RATE HERO," Screamed the student. The class quirk show ended abruptly but in turn, the murmuring started. "That's KATSUKI BAKUGOU right?" one student asked "Yeah I heard he aced the mock exams" another responded. "THAT'S RIGHT AND ONCE I GET INTO UA ILL BE THE NUMBER ONE HERO" He shouted. The students then started to murmur once again. "Isn't the UA acceptance rate like 2-3%" a student whispered to another "Yeah but I think he could do it with that ridiculously powered quirk.". "UA huh Bakugou?" The teacher asked "Yeah and don't you dare forget my name not like you ever would". He responded. "Pause," Izuku said to himself while also being in earshot of Bakugou. "WHAT DID YOU SAY NERO!?" Bakugou yelled into the Sparda's ear. "Oh my god we get it Nero means hero but with an N because I'll never be a hero and I said pause because you said he won't ever forget your name and that's kinda a pause moment," Izuku said in a single breath. The class burst out in laughter infuriating Bakugou. "Ah, Midoriya it says you're aiming for UA as well" The teacher announced with a smirk. The class looked at Midoriya and stayed silent for they knew that despite being quirkless Izuku was a skilled fighter and laughing at him may mean a beatdown. One student however laughed anyways and that was Katsuki motherfucking Bakugou. "YOU THINK YOU CAN BE A HERO WITHOUT A QUIRK HA! AS IF NERO" He yelled stomping towards the white-haired boy. Bakugou stopped at Izuku's desk prompting him to stand up. It is here when the class finally saw Izuku and how he contrasted with Katsuki so evidently. Izuku stood tall with white hair and bright green eyes along with freckles scattered across his face. Katsuki stood slightly slouched with ash blonde hair and murderous ruby eyes to match.

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