Chapter 1

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I love horses because they are the best creature in the entire world. They are very loyal to whoever loves them and will trust them forever. They have amazing stamina because they can run for miles on end and they are fantastic jumpers. They can also defend themselves very well too because their hooves are very tough. This is why I love horses and the best horse in the world is Hope. Hope is beautiful, loyal and strong. She is the best mare and I love her more then any other horse I the world. She is my horse and together we are the best pair ever. We are best friends and nothing will ever separate us, even what I am about to tell you about.

It all started on the 23rd March 2014. I was grooming Hope after a riding lesson when Mum and Emily, the owner of Silverlight Riding Stables, came into Hope's stall. Mum looked so distressed that I almost burst into tears and Emily looked so anxious that my heart started racing.

"Are you alright Helena? You did extremely well in today's lesson, you and Hope have really got the hang of the dressage moves that we did today. It's hard to believe that the first time you rode Hope she bucked you off when you were warming up, looking at you riding Hope now. " Emily told me extremely quickly.

I knew that something was wrong but I didn't know what so I just carried on grooming Hope.

"Thanks Emily." I replied, trying to keep my voice calm.

"Helena, I have to tell you something" Mum said abruptly, "Money has been tight recently since I lost my job at Avon but I didn't think things would get this bad. Oh, OK I'll tell you now. You have to sell Hope."

"What?" I cried.

" I don't have enough money to pay for everything to do with Hope anymore. I'm so sorry, but the only possible solution is too sell Hope. I know you love Hope but I can't afford to look after her anymore. There are just too many bills to pay, you know that. I'm so sorry, but you will still be able to see Hope when you come for your riding lessons each week." Mum said.

For a moment I couldn't think, I just stared at Mum, Hope and Emily trying to take it all in. Sell Hope, sell Hope, sell Hope just rang through my ears. I dropped the brush I was holding and stoked Hope, trying not to cry.

"Isn't there any other solution? Mum can't we wait and see if you get a job or I get a job. Emily, can I have a job here at Silverlight please? The money can go to Hope's bills. Please let me have any job here, I'll be a groom or anything. Please I need a job." I asked.

"I would love to help you Helena, but I have all the staff I need and you aren't 16. I'm really sorry, but you have to be 16 to get a job at Silverlight. When your 16 I can give you a job here, but now you'll have to sell Hope." said Emily.

"Mum, please wait a few more months to see if you get a job please. Then we can carry on paying for Hope's bills. Please Mum please!" I cried, tears streaming down my face.

"I can't Helena. I've tried to get a job for the last six months, but nothing has happened. I have to admit now that I am not going to find a job for a long time and that Hope has to be sold. I am so sorry, but there is nothing else we can do." Mum said.

It was then that the whole world came falling onto my shoulders. My knees gave way and I fell to the floor, crying in despair. Emily rushed to me, trying to comfort me while Mum walked away to the office. For hours and hours I just cried. Emily sat with me for a while but then she went off to teach a riding lesson. Different people came in and out of the stall but Hope was the only one that stayed with me for the entire time.

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