Chapter 2

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Hope was born at Silverlight Stables on the 6th May 2010. I remember that day so clearly. It was a Saturday, the day I had my riding lesson, and I was just putting Stardust in her stall after the lesson when Megan , one of the riding instructors came running down to the stalls.

"The foal's been born! The foal's been born!" she kept on shouting. 

I peered round the stalls to see what was going on. Everyone was rushing out of the office, tack room and stalls to hear what Megan was explaining.

"Maple's foal has just been born. The foal is a chestnut Irish Draught horse. She is the most beautiful horse that you have ever seen!" Megan cried in delight.

"What's her name?" I asked quietly.

"She hasn't got a name yet. The stables owns Maple so they will name her foal. If someone owned Maple they would get to name the foal but the stables will pick a good name for the horse. Now does anyone want to come and see the new born foal?" Megan asked.

Loads of people started saying yes, including me, so one by one we went to see the foal. Ten minutes after Megan had told us the news I got to see the foal. I silently crept into the stall and gasped when I saw the foal. She was the most beautiful horse I had ever seen in my life.

"She's so beautiful!" I gasped.

"She is isn't she." agreed Megan.

"I've just thought of a name for her!" I cried.

"What Helena?" Megan asked.

"Hope, because in this world of pain and torture God has given us a beautiful gift." I explained.

Megan nodded and said " It's a perfect name.


So Hope it was.  My love for Hope grew very quickly. Every time I went for a riding lesson I went to see Hope with her mother Maple in there field. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. Maple would be happily grazing and Hope would be cantering around the field, looking at the things around her in utter delight.

My Mum hated me going to see Hope though. She thought that the more time I spent Silverlight Stables the more bad influence I would get. Event though I was only 9 she was trying to get me interested in makeup and fashion. It didn't work though and every week my love for Hope grew and grew. The riding instructors noticed my love for Hope and promised me that one day I would get to ride her. I kept dreaming of that day; hoping that it would come soon.


The day I rode Hope came 3 years later, when  I was twelve years old. I had been seeing her a lot and had done T-touch on her, which she adored. Every time I massaged her neck with my fingers her whole body relaxed and she stood there; loving every movement. 

I wasn't the first person to ride Hope, but the day I was told I was riding her was amazing. The  minute I jumped into her saddle and got her moving I felt like I was the happiest person alive. Once we started walking about in open order I felt like me and Hope were one whole creature. Her gaits were so smooth that when we were trotting and cantering I felt as if we weren't moving. She reacted to the slightest movement I made which was brilliant. I only had to nudge her once to get her to go from halt to canter.

Then Emily, the riding instructor, put some jumps up. They were 3 jumps; a vertical; an oxer and then a vertical in a straight line. The jumps were all around 2"2 which I had done before. I wasn't sure how well Hope jumped but I reckoned she could jump as well as she worked on the flat.

Sadly, I was wrong. We all lined up and halted and then individually went over the course of jumps. I was third person in the and the two people before me cleared the jumps perfectly. When it was  my turn I asked Hope to canter, which she did perfectly, and circled her before facing the course. As soon as Hope saw the jumps her speed increased and I started to loose my balance. In desperate panic I tried to slow her down before we reached the jump, but for the first time that lesson Hope wouldn't listen to me. Instead of slowing done Hope speed up until she was practically galloping. I even tried to find the balance strap that beginners used but I was too late, before I could do anything else Hope halted just in front of the first jump and I went flying over it without her. I hit the ground front first and my breath was knocked out of me. I tried to push myself up with my arms but when I did an agonising pain shot through my right arm. As I screamed in pain Emily came rushing over. It was then that I noticed an aching pain in the back of my head. Black spots started dancing in front of me and before Emily reached me everything went black.


Dun dun duuuuuunnnnnn!!!!! What do you guys think? Sorry I haven't updated in ages, I've been busy with school and things. Please vote and comment! I LOVE votes and comments, they make me so happy!!!!! Goodbye everyone!!!

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