[Chapter: 4]

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You stirred slightly at the sound of your doorbell ringing. You brushed it off as the regular salesmen that would come knocking at your door daily, sometimes more than once in a day. It got real annoying real fast.

Just as you were being lured back to sleep, the bell rung again, then a second time. You forced your encrusted eyes open, rubbing at them tiredly as you brought your body to a sit. You glanced over at the little garbage man, or at least, where he was supposed to be.

You began to panic slightly. Dammit, what if he was just a desperate hobo looking for food, a bath, and somewhere to sleep for the night before deciding to rob you and leave before you woke up. You were never getting those hotdog sweats back, were you?

You were broke out of your thoughts to the sound of the doorbell ringing several more times. You groaned. You'd worry about the puny trash puppet later, for now, you'd better answer the door to shoo this desperate salesman away.

You got up and made your way to the front door, stretching your sore muscles, and receiving a satisfying pop. You paused at your door for a few moments while you peered through the peephole in the doorway. Confusion filled your thoughts at the sight of pink fabric.

You pulled yourself from the magnifying glass and grabbed the handle, pulling the door open. There were two people at the door, and you had to crane your neck to look up at them, especially at one of the figures who had to hunch over to fit under the portico. Their back was turned to you, and the two didn't seem to notice that you opened the door.

"They're probably not awake, since it's 5 in the damn morning. You can't tell me you woke me up at the ass crack of dawn to knock at some stranger's door because you smelt him over here." The shortest one spoke in annoyance.

"Don't worry, I know I smelt him at this exact house. He has to be here." The tallest one said. "And when I find him, he's going in the cone once and for all.

The shortest one sighed irritably. "I still don't see why you're so intent on putting him in the cone."

The taller one crossed their arms defiantly. "What? His face is very cone-able, and now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to keep ringing this doorbell until whoever lives here answers."

With that, they turned around, and the two finally noticed my presence.

"Oh, um, hey-" The tallest one, who resembled a clown, waved. They wore a bright pink pajama set with thin, vertical white stripes. Multiple colorful patches looked to be sloppily hand-stitched onto the shirt. And boy was this person huge. Nearly 8 feet tall, with short, messy magenta hair and brown eyes. They even had the signature red cheeks and nose to match.

The one standing next to them was a girl. She was around 6 feet tall, with short white hair and red eyes. She wore a simple t-shirt that said I ♥ hot moms and, judging by the size, it seemed to be borrowed from the clown person. She also wore a pair of fuzzy purple leggings.

It was silent for a few seconds before the short girl spoke up, pushing herself in front of the clown person. "Hello, I'm Sophia, and the idiot behind me is Narci." She presented a hand to you, which you shook hesitantly. The girl paused, awaiting you to respond with a name of your own, however, you remained silent, so she continued. "We're here to um," She turned to the behemoth of a person standing behind her, before turning back to look down at you. "We're looking for someone, and we heard that he's here. His name's Skrunkly- I mean Spamton. He's around yeigh high, smelly, black hair, cool glasses. You seen him?"

You stood there silently, looking up at the two people who looked down at you expectantly. You didn't know how to respond. What did these people want with him? Maybe they're the police. Maybe the hobo man you took in last night really was a criminal. Then again, these two didn't exactly look like cops.

My Little Dumpster Gremlin [Spamton G. Spamton x Reader Crackfic]Where stories live. Discover now