How My Characters Got Into the Taki Situation

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(I could've drawn the image of Taki's corruption [or how I would interpret her corruption] way better on my tablet, but I did it on my phone...)

The corruption has gotten so bad, if not, possible worse, Henry, an axolotl with survival skills, again was able to survive and save at least Harley, T.L and Stephan, everyone else got corrupted. The axolotl explained to the two hybrids what was going on, and everything about the last round, the sushchestvo also giving his side of the story the best he could, since they didn't understand ASL and he didn't know how to write.

"Why didn't you tell me, Henry?" T.L, the 14 year-old hybrid, asked the Minecraft fish.

"I didn't tell you because number one, I didn't want to worry you, as you already have much to worry about, second I still didn't know if round two was gonna happen in a few years or in a hundred years, or if round two was even going to happen." Henry, the 17-year old axolotl, explained. The four did everything Henry told them to survive, since Henry had survival skills he thought was gonna be useless until this very moment, but that didn't stop them from being cornered.

It was strange, they were in their own little bunker when they suddenly heard a notice outside, Harley was about to go and see who it was when Henry stoped him.

"No, we still don't know who's out there, and I don't want you to get corrupted, no offense but you're already aggressive, and I don't want to imagine how you would be like corrupted." Henry instructed and he went up the stairs. Harley had a disappointed look in his face before sitting down next to Stephan, the 4 year-old hybrid, who patted him on the head. The menacing looking creature had a soft spot for innocent children, so he blushed at the young child's innocence.

The dark bunker didn't have any lights besides some oil lamps, trying to cause any attention to themselves, despite being underground, but it was just for precaution. The four were in constant darkness, having to calculate when it was night and day, the time, and had to have a well thought out plan if they want to get supplies, no improvisation was allowed when it was just one touch and you're dead.

The plan consists of several backup plans, going as far as plan T, and there were times where they had to go even farther into the alphabet, to the point that they would have plan CH or TH or SH. They also had to take turns staying with Stephan, as he was still considered a baby. Could he use his ghost powers? Yes, but can he control them yet? No.

As fate would have it, Henry came rushing down the stair, immediately grabbing a random pile he found on the floor.

"Hen, what's going on?" T.L questioned.

"We have to leave, the corruptions are here." Henry whispered. Harley scooped Stephan into his arms as T.L grabbed a radio and they all ran out the secret exit, Henry really thought of everything.

It wasn't long when the corruptions found them, and eventually, they were backed into a corner, T.L was about to use her fire and watch abilities when she remembered that she could cause harm to her friends and little brother of she did. The best she could do was make sure Stephan was corrupted.

The supposed leader of the group seemed to be a nun or sorts, but she was holding a chainsaw, her top shawl, the floating crown on her head, her eyes were all pink, the eyes dripping with weird ooze, but that's something almost every corruption has, but it was also mixed with some blood stains, possible not from her. Her hands were dripping with pink as if it was water, and two red lines for pupils. It was kinda ironic that she was carrying a chainsaw though.

The nun came up to them and turned on her chainsaw as a way to threaten them. Harley noticed Stephan was trembling in fear, and so he stepped in front of both him and T.L, ready to fend them off so they they could run.

"My my, what lovely survivors here! So exciting to have more members to our army!" The nun cheered with excitement. She found it fascinating to see the fear in the little one's eyes, not so much of everyone else since they all had the face of determination to escape.

"I'd love to torture you more, but you're all so boring, so might as well corrupt you." She shrugged as she reached her hands to grab the sushchestvo, but before that, another voice came around.

"Stop." They said. The corruptions moved out of the way, and the four saw a lemon headed monster walking towards them. It was most likely, if it wasn't obvious already, Lemon Demon, the person Henry told the others about.

The nun looked at the lemon as he came next to her saying, "Don't corrupt them Takis."

The group were still in high alert, not wanting any deals with this lemon, even if it meant that they were to get corrupted. He stood over them, as if to assert dominance over them.

"Hmm... I have a better plan for these four." Lemon Demon smirked, just them, Harley went straight in for the attack, but before he could even scratch him, Lemon Demon used the two fingers he had and used a throat stab on him, causing the broken creature to immediately fall unconscious.

He turned to Takis and instructs her to keep them locked up and make sure no one can escape, and whispered something else into her nonexistent ear.

They were locked up in a church, they were given food and water, it weirded them out that the lemon was this nice, yet he wasn't that nice. Henry constantly tried to make contact with someone, and only three responded, but when they came to get them, they were caught and corrupted, kinda revealing the plan Lemon Demon had.

The axolotl tried once more, and a group of four came, two where normal people, one was a rabbit and there was a corruption. At first, they were worried because they thought that they lead another group of survivors into their trap, but he wasn't attacking them. After a rap battle, they somehow got what they wanted, something about deal powers, they went too fast for them to understand.

It was strange, after the battle was done, Takis wasn't corrupted anymore, and apparently her actual name was Taki. Soon, another group of survivors came, it surprised them that there were this many still out there, there was a kid in a costume with a pumpkin mask, a high school kid or something, and a girl who looks to elegant to be in this situation right now.

When another corruption that took a form of a ghost of sort opened the door, Harley acted on instinct and threw a pretty big rock at him, hitting him in the head. Everyone in the cage looked with an annoyed look, Harley put his left hand in a "boi" formation and put his index finger on the base of his thumb and slid it down.

And that's how they got captured and rescued :3

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