Bonus: How to Tick off Stephan

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1) Tickle him:

Random person: *tried to sneak up on Stephan and tickle him*

Stephan: *feels the person about to touch him and punches him in the face* I'm sorry Mister, but I think you've mistaken the kind of person I am, you see, I don't like the feeling of being tickled, so try it again, and I won't be so nice *innocent smile*

2) Stop petting him when he didn't tell you to stop:

Random person: *petting him* *stops and is about to remove hand*

Stephan: *grabs hand* Excuse me, who told you to stop? :3

Random person is now scared of this child

3) Harming T.L terribly:

T.L: Stephan, I'm fine Really, it's just a sprained ankle

Stephan: No! They must pay

Hecate: *unamused* If you think I'm scared of you, think again

Ahriman: *sweating* Dude, come on, let's just leave them alone, the kid is already mad as is

Hecate: No way! I ain't scared of a 4 year-old

Stephan: Try me

Ahriman: We can get them another day

Hecate: Ugh! Fine! You won't be so lucky next time

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