A New Beginning

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I sit there in the courtyard waiting for an hour to pass by, it feels like it's been forever. The streets of Monstadt are pretty much empty, as all of the citizens are admiring Kaeya and his dancing. I still cant believe I danced with him, It was a dream come true, I wouldn't be surprised if this was a dream.

I look at my reflection in the fountain, the water distorting my features a bit. I'm still so confused, what does Captain Kaeya of The Knights of Favonius see in me? He's this special local icon everyone adores, and there's me, little old me. I've heard that Kaeya can be a flirt to woman, I'm guessing that's what it was, but he was not flirty at all, In fact he was quite the gentleman, he was so kind and respectful, not to mention gentle with my body while handling it.

I'm probably overthinking this, you don't even know if he is interested interested, or just wants to flirt with a girl. I think being overly flirtatious is a horrible feature to have, in my opinion, it's not attractive at all, having a genuine and kind hearted personality is what I look for in men.

We might even just get drunk and not even talk to each other, plus we might not eve- my thoughts were cut off with a yell of my name.


It's Kaeya, how did he manage to sneak out of there without anyone noticing?

"Oh, hello Captain Kaeya"

"Shall we go to the tavern?

I blush a little. "Yes, of course" I stand up and walk beside him.

"So... how are you such an amazing dancer?"  He asks.

"Well, my mother taught me a little ballet when I was little, and I started to pick it up more and more." I say.

"Who's your mother?" He looks at me.

"Oh well, you see, my mother passed away from a hilichurl attack, she was alone and was fighting them, not sure why, she wasn't a knight. I'm not sure how it happened, I wasn't there, but I do miss her dearly. She was the best woman I looked up to, other than Jean." I look up at the stars and then at Kaeya.

"Oh my y/n... I'm so sorry" He grabs my hands. Oh. My. God. He is grabbing my hands. I cant get all jittery, we are talking about my mom here.

"Oh, it's alright, besides look at the amazing daughter she raised!" I say egotistically. Kaeya lets out a small chuckle.

"And an amazing dancer, you really stole the show y/n" He smiles. He's so cute when he smiles, it feels like it'll be hard to get a smile out of him.

We arrive at the tavern, I open the door.

"Ladies first" I propose.

Kaeya grabs me by the waist and shoves me inside the tavern.

"tch" he lets out

"Ow! You didn't have to do it that hard" I whine.

Kaeya immediately goes to the bar and asks for dandelion wine. I've never been one to drink that often, let's hope tonight goes well.

"What would you like y/n?" Kaeya asks.

"I'll just have what you're having"

He orders the two dandelion wines and we get a table upstairs, where it's a bit quieter. I pull out my chair and sit down in front of him.

"So, what would you like to talk about?" He says with a flirty tone. Ugh seriously, he thinks his flirting is going to work on me? What an insult, I'm not that much of a hopeless romantic.

"Okay, if you think your flirting is going to work on me, it's not gonna, so don't even try. I've heard the rumors about how flirty you can be." I say as I take a sip of my wine.

"Wow, didn't expect to hear that from a woman"

"Well, I'm not a gullible hopeless romantic, so just be real with me, I'm not gonna fall for it" I chuckle.


We've been at the tavern for a few hours now, we are both pretty drunk, but sober enough to get home. All we've been taking about is our back stories, and what led us to what we are today, a pretty cliche first date if you ask me. Wait. Was that a date? He technically did ask me out on it though. I just called it a date. I cant think anymore.  I'm too lost in my thoughts to notice Kaeyas looking a little flushed, he needs to get home and sleep.

"Captain how about we get going? I don't want to get too drunk to the point we pass out, like that bard" I say.

"I told you to just call me Kaeya, did you forget the orders initiated by your captain?"

"Well I'm not a knight, so ha." I stick my tongue out.

"Just call me Kaeya" He says. I feel like he lost all his gentlemaness from drinking, he was this polite kind man on the dance floor, but now he's just so casual and less gentlemany. Not that I hate it, it's pretty refreshing, I can joke around with him, If only he was like that when he was sober.

We both walk out of the tavern and say goodbye. He's such a nice person to hangout with, I want him to be comfortable with me, but it might be hard to break his little flirtatious shell, but I have my ways. This tells me this going to be the start of a new beginning.....

Hello! I will try to update this as much as I can! I'm currently a freshman in highschool and still adjusting from middle school, again, all suggestions and constructive criticism are welcome!

Kaeya x reader (im not sure what I want to call this yet) Where stories live. Discover now