Chapter 1

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i Oh um idk how to start that but that's and erased x reader story. To be honest I started it bc I told my friend as a joke I will write an erased c reader story. So here I am, writing bc me and my friend were angry that there were no story's as such. So yeah hehe. Oh and yeah the Book cover is a crap pic from naruto but I thought it was funny, so...

[22.05.07] dude this is so poorly written I am just reading it cuz I watched erased again and remembered I wrote a story, but plssss this is so bad😭😭😭😭


„Y/n", I heard my mom calling from the kitchen, followed by a great smell of food. I sniffed in the air, while sitting up and rubbing over my tired eyes. I yawned loudly and stretched my body. Then I climbed out of the bed and slowly walked into the kitchen. My mom turned around with a bright smile. Even though her eye bags were huge. „C'mon get dressed already", she commanded in a hurry and put the pan - she had in her hands - down at the table. When I didn't move she said: „Kenya will be here soon, so hurry", I nodded and yawned again. But I turned back around and ran into my room. On the way there I ran into my dad. „Sorry", I mumbled and heard him chuckle. „Good Morning to you too y/n!" I heard him say cheerfully behind me, while I walked in my room.

I walked back into the kitchen after I changed into my clothes. I sat down at the table and the next moment the door bell rang and Kenya walked in. He smiled calmly at me and nodded to greet me. I let out a tired: „Morning", and stuffed down the food my mom made. Then I jumped up from the chair, ran to the wardrobe, put on my (color) winter jacked and my (color) boots. I put the hood up from my jacked and we went out.

We walked in silent for a bit, but then I heard Kenya speak up. „Your mom looked really tired again." I nodded silently and put my already freezing hand in my pockets. „Yup, she had a nightshift at the hospital this night", I mumbled and looked to the snow-covered ground. I could feel Kenya's worried gaze on me, but I just ignored it as always. We kept silent again. „I always tell her that she should sleep and dad and I just eat whatever we find, but no", I stopped at this point, first of all we were in front of our school, second of all, because I knew that Kenya did understand what I meant. We walked into the school and to our shoe lockers. „Hey Kenya! Y/n!" we heard footsteps then we were crowded by our other friends: Hiromi, Osamu and Kazu. I looked around the group a bit confused. „Huh? Where's Satoru?" I asked and they all shrugged. „The Idiot is probably late again", Kazu said and pat my head. I pouted, while he grinned proudly. Kazu was the tallest of our group and he was really proud of his height. Everyone thought it was annoying. The others were lively talking while they took of their shoes and I was still looking for Satoru. It was rare that he was late. Maybe he's sick. I shrugged it of and turned to the others. „The first in the classroom gets candy for free!" I yelled and ran to our classroom.

I was the first one who arrived and almost ran in our teacher Mr. Yashiro. But he stopped me before I could bump into him. „Woah, y/n you have to be more careful", He sort of scolded me, but then my friends were coming and I slipped out of his grip. „I will Mr. Yashiro!" I said and giggeled when the others arrived. They were all panting and looked kinda angry. „That doesn't count!" Osamu said and pointed with his finger at me. „y/n had a lead!" after he said that I saw Kazu cross his arms in front of his chest. I shook my head and stick out my tongue at both of them. „I was still first", I said and stared at them. „Fine you get the Candy", Kazu said shrugging and walked to his seat. Osamu and Hiromi followed his lead. I also went to my seat and sat down. Laying tiredly my head on my table and waiting for the school to start.

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