Chapter 9

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Because I am cool and bored, here another chapter yay. I am such a great author. Not leaving other stories behind or something noooo. I don't Even know if my friend is still reading that book but who cares. And I changed the cover but to another crap pic and I love it lmao.

We walked to the old club room of the ice hokey Team of the Izumi primary school. The old club room was actually an old bus. But they didn't use it anymore. „So there it is", I said and but the innert of my cheek. On the way there, we did went home and hot some blankets. Kenya didn't respond to me, he also didn't needed to. „It's quite big", I stated aloud and opened the door of the bus. I took a quick look of the inside. „And it's even bigger on the inside", I stated again and turned to Kenya. He did walk behind the bus and motioned to follow him. „So no one who shouldn't see us, sees us", he explained as I gave him a confused look. Even though I was already on the way to him. He pulled me closer at my hand. „What-"

„You have to stay in the shadows", he explained, still holding onto my hand. „I thought you know that y/n" he said in a teasing tone, I just rolled my eyes. Ignoring that he was reminding me of some book he lent to me and I didn't have back.

„Here we are" I heard a familiar voice and peeked from behind the bus. Stepping put from the shadows of it and pulling Kenya right along with me. „finally you are here", Kenya said beside me and I felt how his grip on me and he squeezed my hand in excitement. Even though he looked calm on the outside I knew that he also was sort of scared that we'd get caught. And then I remembered that we were still holding hands since he did pull me behind that bus and quickly let go of his hand. He gave me a surprised look but then shrugged it off and we went into the bus.


We did mostly clean the whole bus up and because of the gas lamp and the radiator it was really comfortable. Kayo and I did. cuddle up into a blanked and I did rest my head on her shoulder. Kenya sat on a box of wood and Saturo leaned on the wall. We were all quite for a bit, it was a comfortable silence and I felt how I slowly drifted to sleep in Kayos embrace. „it is really cosy, so that you would like to stay yourself, right y/n?" Kenya said before I actually fell asleep. My head snapped up to look at him through my half closed eyes. I rubbed over them to see clearly. „Yeah", I yawned and sat up straight, making some space between Kayo and I. Then I stood up and stretched. „Well I think I am going home now, y/n" I nodded and patted Kayos head. „See you tomorrow", I smiled and walked over to Kenya. „I need to leave too, but I will come back later, I will knock three times, okay?", Saturo explained and also smiled at her. Kayo looked kinda embarrassedto the ground. „Thank you all", she smiled and looked at us. „No problem", Kenya said and I nodded. „Yeah, that's what friends are for", I smiled at her, beginning to like her more every second. „Mhm, no worries Kayo, I will protect you", Saturo said and I let out a gasp in surprise, Kayos head turned a bright red. We then left.

I nudged Saturo slightly in the side. „Didn't know you could be such a gentleman", I teased, smirking at him. „That was really embarrassing", he mumbled under his breath and I let out a soft giggle. „Of course it was, tell me", but before I even could start, I felt a hand on my shoulder. „C'mon knock it off", I pouted at Kenya's instruction, but still agreed. „Just act like you don't know anything, when they find out", I nodded. „Sure."

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