Chapter 3

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Yo Alexi thats for you! So fuck off I am trying my best even tho I forgot the first part of the plot lol.

It was really cold outside and I trembled due the cold. I rubbed my freezing hands at each other. „You should get some gloves sometimes", I heard Kenya say beside me.

I let out an annoyed sound and puffed out my cheeks. „I don't wanna ask my parents for money", I finally respond and put my - from the cold air - already red hands into the pockets of my jacked. I felt how Kenya pulled my hands out of my jacked again and put something in them. Hm? I looked in my hands, I hold a pair of brown gloves. I blushed. „What-" I said in confusion and turned my head in his direction. Kenya was quietly staring at the ground, his hands in his jacked pockets. „Just put them on", he said, still looking to the ground. I put them on. They were still warm from Kenya's hands. „Thanks", I mumbled and he nodded.

I opened the door to the little apartment, my parents and I lived in. A sweet smell came from the kitchen. I quickly took my shoes, jacked and Kenya's gloves off. They fell unnoticed to the ground. I rushed into the kitchen to see my dad at the cooker. He turned around and smiled in a loving way at me. „Your mum is already out working", he explained while I was sitting down at the table, already licking my lips, while starving from hunger. Just a few minutes later and he put the pot, with some basic curry in it, on the table. I scooped some curry on my plate and stuffed my mouth. „No need to hurry, there's more than enough", my dad laughed and watched me for a bit then he also put some curry on his plate and began to eat. We were silent for a bit. „And? What did you do today?" he asked and I looked up from my plate. „Nothing really, school was pretty boring today. Well beside of the fact that Saturo has a crush-", I quickly slapped my hands over my mout and continued eating. He chuckled. „So the usual?" I nodded and we were silent again. He looked like he was in thoughts but then at some point he raised an eyebrow at me. „Y/n, you weren't even complaining about your cold hands today", I blushed a bit and he let out a knowing laugh. „So wanna tell me", I put my burning face in my hands. „Dad!" he chuckled slightly and finally stood up with his empty plate. Taking mine as well and put it into the sink. „Fine, I won't ask", he then said and turned around to my parents room. „But I will find out who's the owner of the gloves", he said over his shoulder.

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