Bloody hell-

960 17 11

I forgot I wrote stories for an exchange of killing time. But anyways,I apologize for my sudden hiatus because apparently I forgot wattpad existed on my phone.

I'm going to make it up to you guys by doing two requests back to back today

So yeah. Enjoy or cringe I guess

The art is by me btw lol

The art is by me btw lol

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Triangle X Reader

A black and polished weapon on him,always. It was like his damn child,he would bring it everywhere he went. Be it the bathroom,to sleep,even in staff breaks.

You two would normally strike a conversation or two,but it would always end up in a small argument because of how ignorant he was. I mean,what would you expect from Triangles,they carry weapons,of course they're bad people.

"Y/N,I'm in the middle of my duty here. Would you kindly leave me alone." Replied the tall figure standing infront of you. You tried to annoy him so he would notice you,but he never looked down once.

"Ugh,why do you always have to be so busy. If you weren't a guard it would've been better."

".....alright,you win. I have some time after work today at 11. We'll meet back at my bunker okay, sugar?" He replied,letting out a small sigh.

"Teehee,thank you Mister Triangle" You cooed happily,before strolling back to your bunker,with the rest of the players.

You guys did the hoo haa later 👺

Sorry that was short,ahem. Next one

Ali X Reader

Chaos. It was everywhere, everyone was in a wreck of havoc. Screams and shouts filled the room as the masses started turning against each other. You hid at your bed,your back to the metal frame. You were scared. You had no idea what to do.

As you hugged your knees and hurried your face in them,you heard a rush of footsteps coming towards you and ripping the blanket off of your knees.

"Any last words,bitch?" The sweaty man panted out,knife at your throat.

You were too shocked too say anything,all you could do was close your eyes and face the music.

"Back off of her! She did nothing!" A recognizable voice came from the distance. You heard a few slashes of the knife the man was wielding before someone falling onto the floor.

You open your eyes and see Ali standing infront of you,slightly panting and gasping for air,with a bloodstained knife on the floor.

"Y/N,are you okay?? Did he hurt you??" Scarmbled jibberish scampered out of his mouth,with you trying to understand what he was saying with him talking so fast.

"Yes Ali,I'm okay. Thank yo-"

He hugged you tightly,into his embrace,and slowly patted your back in the process.

"I'm so glad you're okay- I'd never forgive myself if I'd know you'd gotten hurt-"

You giggled tiredly and kissed his cheek in response. "You worry too much,I'm fine"

"We'll continue this later,I'll take you to the rest,it's safer" He quickly instructed as he took your hand and ran to the other side of the room with you,where Sang Woo, and Gi Hun,along with the others were.

This man is a ball of sunshine istfg

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