Square X Reader [ FLUFF ]

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Just end my suffering rn

Square was a very peculiar man. He would act very serious in his workplace,but as soon as you two had some alone time in lights out,he was the sweetest thing ever.

"Has anyone been bothering you today,(Y/N) ? "

A low,raspy but unsettlingly soothing voice spoke up from the darkness. With your head buried deep into his uniform,or rather his built man boobies, 😫

" Well- Deok Su was abit annoying today- saying he wanted to meet in the bathroom -"

"Well he can kindly fuck off." Interrupting your sentence at the very last word,was a jealous man.

"Listen here,I don't care about what anyone says about us. I fell in love with you for a very good reason. And that was because of,well,everything you had. Your personality,your eyes,the way they gaze at me"

As he finished that,he smoothered your face with kisses,leaving you in a blushing mess and giggling like a mad woman.

"Gosh- you big jerk" You managed to get the words out of your mouth.

He chuckled at your rosy complexion,and leaned closer in,whispering quietly

"Of course I'm a big jerk,but I'm Your big jerk"

Bruh I hate this chapter so much I'm so sorry jsossksksk it's 4 in the morning and I can't sleep


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